Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
I just found out I’m pregnant and was wondering what all happens at your first appointment. This is my first time and I’m soooo nervous!
Hey I am 29 and just found out I’m pregnant… expecting my first I am extremely overwhelmed and nervous and the anxiety is just so bad to the point it’s making me physically sick 🥺 I’m wondering if anybody else has experienced this and I will get better over time? It wasn’t planned however I wanted my first before…
I would really love some input on this test. I took the test 3 minutes after i peed on it
Hi girls. Has anyone had a missed miscarriage previously and are super anxious this pregnancy? So hopeful for our rainbow baby but the anxiety has set in as I had my loss around this week. Staying as positive as possible praying for all us mamas!
Hi guys I'm 9+2 weeks and this week I've suffered with bouts of diahorrea (sorry tmi) and put that on top of 24/7 nausea and vomiting. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced any diahorrea in first trimester? Also is anyone else just struggling with the constant nausea - I am stuck to my bed cause of sickness :(
I haven’t had a scan for a month now and I got my NIPT test back which came back normal. Since everything came back normal, does that mean everything is ok? I really hate the waiting game… 😑
Is anyone dealing with high blood pressure and on medication to try control this? Has anyone had or got pre eclampsia? Anxiety and worrying something bad is going to happen :(
It’s my first time pregnant. Found out on Christmas Day, I thought it would be such a happy time but it wasn’t. My partner says he’s not ready for this but I am and I think we are in a good position to be parents. We have a very calm and settled relationship together for 4years, both in 30s. Our house is very small ...
Anyone here use this monitor? What do you think of it?
So I’m 7 weeks and trying so hard not to buy things just yet😂 when did people start buying?
Hello ladies! So I’m 9+3 today and I’m seeing that lots of people are suffering so bad that they cannot eat - I have literally non stop been eating and all I want is salty foods & takeaway ( I’m trying to eat fruit and cook as well but the smells 🤢) I’m just trying to do everything right after 3 previous losses but…
Hi!! First of all, congrats to all the July mommas! I booked a sneak peek gender reveal blood test at a local ultrasound place for tomorrow. I’m also gonna get an extra ultrasound done too just for fun! Has anyone had any experience with the Sneak Peek test? I’m just a little paranoid that it will be wrong. I know...
Had my GTT done on Friday won’t get results until this week so bough a bm machine to test over the weekend with my normal diet (not the best between Christmas and new years 😬) First thing 6.3 1hr post bf 6.8 1hr post lunch 9.2 1hr post dinner 8.3 Is it looking like my GTT will be positive so I can mentally…
Has anyone had the above testing and had a positive finding/ outcome?
I am 37 + 4, and I am so over being pregnant, but I have no anxiety about birth. I am a very anxious person (clinically diagnosed general anxiety, and I've been un medicated since finding out I'm pregnant). I have no concerns about birth, though. I feel very comfortable with going into labor, and I trust my body. Ev...
I’ve only just found out you aren’t meant to have pâté when pregnant, but I ate it on Christmas Day as my starter! Baby has been normal since in terms of movements.. should I seek advice or speak to my midwife? What can pâté cause?
I'm a FTM, currently 40+3... Had my 40 week midwife appointment on Friday and had a sweep which she said was successful and my body is definitely on the way to going into labour. Had a bit of a bloody show after this the past couple of days. I had an evening of period like cramps last night and thought it was the ...
Hey, I’ve just found out I’m pregnant with baby no2 and last time I had such bad HG throughout the whole 9 months, only easing slightly at 16 weeks. I’m so nervous for what’s to come, I’m scared of the feeling and being in hospital so much, any tips I would be very grateful 🫶🏼 xx
I’m almost 11 pregnant with my first baby. My first ultrasound is a couple days from now, but I don’t know how that’s going to go. I’ve been spotting (only old blood) off and on since 6 weeks and I’ve been to my clinic to get a swab and that came back fine. My OB says it could be any number of things and to try not...
I’m starting to get really anxious about birth. If I go for a natural delivery - I’m worried about not knowing when it will happen, will I know if waters break, what happens when you lose your mucus plus, how much it’s going to hurt, will I tear, what’s the recovery like and everything that comes with it. I really ...