Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
Does anyone else hold their stomach out of habit from their last September pregnancy? Lol I didn’t realize how much I do it until my FIL asked if I was pregnant during our Thanksgiving today since I kept holding my stomach. (I am not and I was drinking sooo)
Has anyone done the early sneak peak gender reveal? In Canada and debating waiting to do the full NIPT test or this.
Anyone lost appetite towards the end of pregnancy I’m almost 35 weeks and have no desire to eat
So proud of myself that I’ve gotten through the first trimester. Did the NIPTs our baby is thriving and healthy. Doctors said I have HG and I’m just needing to vent. I feel so isolated and sick. So many trips to the hospital and living on a toilet and bed. Does it get better? My first pregnancy was amazing. No sickn...
So I think my third trimester insomnia is finally catching up to me because I am exhausted and highly emotional. I start my maternity leave in on the 6th December and will be on SMP only for this time. Money anxiety is becoming louder and louder in my head as the leave gets closer I feel so guilty that my baby is f...
I know FRER is highly recommended and personally I think I really like easy@home strip tests so when I’m TTC I buy and use both. What do you do? Favorite strip test? Digital test? Stick test? How do you stock your cabinet while TTC?
I’m 4 weeks PP now and I still just don’t want to eat anything. I eat now because I have to rather than wanting to. What is wrong with me? I used to be such a foodie and I know it’s bothering my partner that I never want anything.
I try to be well-informed, but sometimes it feels like all the information I have is overwhelming. For instance, I read somewhere that babies can accidentally suffocate in carriers or overheat, so now I'm afraid to use one. When I do, I'm constantly anxious and watch her obsessively. I'm also stressed about steriliz...
Ladies I gave birth almost two weeks ago and I’m in so much pain down there because I’m so itchy and I’m trying not to scratch because of the stitches. I’m doing everything warm showers witch hazel pads etc. Has this happened to anyone? Going to call the Ob tomorrow but good lord I’m dying
Sharing some positivity to anyone in the dark depths of the first trimester slog! - I needed to hear this to get me through! I’ve been pretty much bed bound since week 7, and really struggled with the concept of being completely useless and sick for so long. Yesterday I turned a corner at 10 weeks 3 days!! I thoug...
38 weeks today and baby boy is engaged, how long were yours engaged before they put you into labour?
My 17 month old has been diagnosed with rsv and is now spending the night in hospital on oxygen I’m 28 weeks pregnant and they suggested I go home and my partner stays I feel absolutely terrible
Has anyone done their nipt test yet? How long did it take to get results back ? Thanks!
Hi everyone - how’s that first trimester treating you?! I’m 5+5 and being sick already, but this time I have a toddler to contend with! Any second time mums got any tips?! Send help haha
Has anyone been to the hair dressers and had their hair coloured whilst being pregnant? I’ve heard mixed opinions on it, my midwife said it’s not really a problem just to be careful with fumes but just wanted to check if others have done it, desperate for it to be done 🥲
When should I ring maternity advice line for reduced movement?? I’ve also got back pain and haven’t felt her all day, I’m 22 weeks really don’t know what to do
Second baby is due soon 🥰 I am really worried about not loving it as much as my first (I know that sounds horrible!) Has anyone else felt like this?
Currently 17 weeks pregnant with fraternal twins did the nipt test at 12 weeks and recieved an incomplete result. Low risk for trisomy 21,18 & 13 but test was unable to report fetal sex : The y chromosome could not be confirmed therefore fetal sex could not be reported, this could be a normal variation in DNA patter...
Are they really unreliable? Do I just bin them or can I use them?
Are quiet days still normal at 26 weeks ?