Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.

9+2 ♥️

We saw one wriggling baby tonight 🥹


Chemical pregnancy

Can anyone please share their experience with a chemical pregnancy. Is the bleeding just basically a period because that’s what mine seems like? When did you go on to get pregnant after?


Elective section

Is anyone requesting an elective section ? I am very anxious and I think I want to request a section I am so nervous to ask midwife thou


Pregnancy pains

Hey all, I am 24+5 and today have been experiencing what I’d say is strong period pains. It’s been about 4 and a bit hours now. I thought nothing of it at first but now am a little worried as it’s lasting so long. Is this normal? There is no bleeding or anything and have felt baby move. I’ve had a bath, taken pain r...


Eggless Cake

My daughter will be turning 1 in May and im currently trying to plan her party and everything 😅. She's allergic to eggs and i plan to make her smash cake. Does anyone have a recipe that works well? I know you can use applesauce, bananas, or greek yogurt as substitutes but just trying to see what works best when it…


Travelling with LG but diff surnames

Ive kept my surname when completed our civil marriage outside the UK and now my little girl has my partners surname. When travelling- do i need a note/certificate? If yes, what pls?


19 weeks pregnant, is anyone the same?

Hey! I dont know if it because my stomach being pushed up and getting squashed. But I seem to keep feeling hungry, then nausea, then hungry, then nausea. Just can't seem to win! Also seem to be getting heartburn in the evening x


Is this normal?

Hi so I’m 24 weeks 4 days pregnant with a boy who will be my first baby and he feels so low like I haven’t felt him kick past my belly button and yesterday I’m sure I could feel him kicking in my vagina 😭 it hurts around my groin when I’m walking and pain in the middle of my back. Is all this normal with first…


35 weeks tomorrow, period cramps

Anyone else?


Wriggly baby.

Does anybody else have a baby who just won't stop wriggling? I'm a FTM so not sure if this is normal or not? Whenever he's layed on the floor or in my arms he's all over the place wriggling.


💩 tmi? Haha

Anyone get cramps (like bad belly, not baby) and then have really loose bowels? Then after you’ve been, it’s ok and the cramps go? I feel so empty but boy it hurt


First cervical smear test.

I’ve got my first smear booked for 3 weeks time and I’ve literally dreaded it for months. I put off booking it (only been old enough for it since January, so not left it that long) but the doctors phoned me to book it so it was unavoidable. Looking for some reassurance as the whole process makes me feel weird. Bei...


Booking a private scan?

Hey all, I've heard alot about people not having great images from 20 week scan etc, and ours from the 12 week one were definitely not great the baby would not get in a good position so even the measurements weren't accurate. If you opted to get a private scan done, how did you book this? Also how far along were ...


No bump! Curvy girl

I’m 17+6 I am a thick girl and I still haven’t started showing I have no bump you wouldn’t even think I’m carrying! Who else is on the same boat?


Low lying placenta

Hiya, just need some advise. Just left my 20 weeks scan, and got told I have a low lying placenta. Has anyone experienced this, did it move up eventually? I didn’t get told if there is anything I need to be cautious in doing ( e.g. sex). I’m just very anxious


Urine sample

Hi all! I have my 12 week scan next Wednesday, do I need to take a urine sample with me?? TIA


First birthday

When is too soon to start planning for a first bday party? Like I already have a whole list for stuff for her and I’ve been wanting to make a fb post as an invite but I don’t know if it’s too soon to do it? Opinions? (Her bday is July 26th)


CAMHS referrals

Anyone know roughly how long CAMHS referrals take at the moment?


28 week growth scan

Had a midwife appointment this week & being referred for a growth scan at the hospital. How long did it take for an appointment to come through?


Babys last name

I'm getting my son registered tomorrow but my fiancée wants to give him his last name where as i want to give him a double barrel. He says its because we are supposed to be getting married so we will all have the same last name anyway and stuff about our son needs to carry his family's last name but I honestly dont ...


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