Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.

What a difference 4 months make ❤️

Anyone else feeling like their little ones have changed so much already? I actually enjoyed the newborn stage this time and am sad to see it go


2.5 year old messing with nipples

So it's not that serious, but does anyone else's toddler constantly pinch or mess with your nipples. I move his had every time, but he does it while he falls asleep if im holding him or we are reading anything honestly.


Cramping 33 weeks

Any one experiencing period cramping at 33 weeks not sure if I should be worried


Baby boy names- little brother for Arabella Sofia! We have a double barrel surname so can’t be a long syllable name, so far we like Milo and Luca 🩵

Any new name suggestions would be amazing! I love the name Wolfie as potential middle name but partner isn’t set on it haha


Passing out

Anyone know what the problem could be? I have breakfast usually 7:30isj and by lunch time if I haven’t eaten by 12:30 I go really funny like all the blood has drained out of my body and go all weak and light headed and really really hot… anyone else ever had this?


Can you take 6week old babybto a wedding , the ceremony and the meal?

I know you have to be carful, I am a fist time mum I would love to go to the wedding as good friends but I need to rsvp . What do you all think is best?



Anyone else 9dpo? Negative test and no symptoms can't help but feel like I'm out this cycle 😩


Only gestational and yolk sac seen.

Girls I am freaking out, went in this morning for early scan but only gestational and yolk sac was seen. As per the App I should be 6 weeks 1 days. After ectopic, missed miscarriage, chemical I am so so anxious. Do I still have chance for the baby to grow in my sac? The ovulation strip test confirmed I ovulated aro...


baby movement

currently 21 weeks and not felt baby move, anyone else?😩


C section

Is it safe to have baby at 37 weeks? I’m starting to get a little worried as the date approaches.


Endometriosis girlies

Maybe TMI about periods, so please feel free to stop reading here ... Did your endometriosis symptoms get worse after having a baby? I had my baby last year in January and didn't get my first postpartum period until November. I got it again like clockwork (which was really sus because I can go years without a peri...



I’ve never ever been regular. I have pcos and only get a period if I take medication (ivf related which is the only way I’ve been able to get pregnant or birth control). I went off birth control about a month ish ago just to see what would happen. We do want another baby and have no specific timeline on it. We haven...


Midwife appt after due date

My due date is tomorrow. I’ve had no cramping, no signs of labour, nothing. If anything, I feel less pregnant 😆 I have a midwife appt on Wednesday and wondered what should I expect? What do they do in these appts when you’ve gone over your due date?


Constipated/urine infection? 8 days pp

So I’ve been taking lactulose daily and I have been since I’ve given birth but the last few days I haven’t managed to go. I’m now getting super bad lower tummy cramps and it’s also cramping when I wee (no burning or stinging though). I feel like my bladder is full but not much coming out. Is this due to the consti...


10th percentile growth

Having another growth scan tomorrow and baby had dropped onto 10th percentile 2 weeks ago. Booked in for section on 3rd March (week tomorrow), if baby hasn’t gained much weight will they bring section date forward? Anyone had anything similar??


Anterior placenta

Hey mom's I'm 20 weeks pregnant with my second kid and have found out I have an anterior placenta. I'm wondering when others that had an anterior placenta started feeling true kicks? I feel them so occasional and they still feel like they could just be gas bubbles. Does counting kicks work differently?


Boy or girl???

Nub theory anyone ?? Boy or girl … it’s not too clear but the scan was done 2days before 12weeks .🙈🥰


Send this and it looks like fun!

Guess my little boy’s name 💙



Sudden throbbing heachade, feeling sick, dizziness, seeing black spots, tingling/numb fingers, back and stomach pain. The last two hours I have been feeling unwell unsure if I should contact triage or not I have googled my systems and says could be preeclampsia. Taken paracetamol and cold cloth on head but no help. ...


Sorry for the stupid question and TMI!

Is anyone else experiencing pressure in their vagina, I’ll be 6 weeks tomorrow. I feel as if there is something coming out at the entrance of my vagina but nothing there??


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