Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.

Induction/membrane sweeps

My midwife and I have discussed inducing me at 38 weeks due to not wanting me to go to 40 weeks , what are people’s experiences? This is my first baby so I have nothing to compare pain to but I just want to hear some people’s experiences? I am receiving 2 membrane sweeps between 37-38 weeks to try and bring labour ...


My baby just “hit” me in 3 places at once 😂

I say hit coz I can’t say kick when it was 3 places at once 😂 wow my belly looked so weird there 😂😂 the only bit that was still flat was the top left which is where my placenta is 🤦‍♀️😂😂 was like he just starfished in there


Boy or Girl ?

Going for my 20 week scan on the 10th of March, but curious to know what everyone on here thinks?


Advice on concerns..

Second time momma here.. I’ll be 32 weeks on Monday and I’ve been having contractions for the last couple days, severe lower back pain, and pressure that feels like everything would fall out. I actually had my grandmother look and she mentioned my anal had looked prolapsed. Last night my husband took me to L&D and a...


Induced labour

My midwife offered me a membrane sweep, what I didn’t want it because I wanted to wait for start my own, but still nothing happen, so now she ordered me for induced labour on Monday with hormones tablet pessary (its gonna be 40w + 5 days). Could you anyone tell me what should I expected, how long will be lasts and h...


Is it normal to not have any contact details for your midwife?

I’m 18 weeks and have no contact details for her; I’ve seen her once. She calls me from an unknown number but not sure if it’s normal or not! Who do I contact if I need help?


Has anyone had vaginal soreness in their first trimester?

Hello lovely ladies! I'm 5-6 weeks pregnant and have vaginal soreness almost everyday. Symptoms seem to subside with lots of water. I also have a history of cystitis and wonder if that may have something to do with it. Any thoughts/experiences would be great xxx


Baby boy names

Hi. Recently found out I’m having a baby boy. Please share some baby boy names as finding it so hard. Thank you ☺️


Movementsl change / what position??

First pregnancy - I've been feeling strong movements since 20 weeks, I'm now 26. The last day or so I've still felt movement but no longer across my stomach in line with my belly button. At both scans they've been sideways facing my back. The movement right now feels like I'm being kicked in the ass 🤣 very tender…


What snacks were in your hospital bag?

Being induced on Monday and not sure what snacks to pack


Lost some mucus plug at 2am after painful lightning crotch, 38+3!

With my first I lost my mucus plug 5 days before he was born - I know losing it doesn’t indicate any specific timeline but when you combine this with the intense painful lightning crotch, constant Braxton hicks, on/off cramping, 2.5cm dilated at my appt last week, kinda makes me think something’s happening in the ne...


Rolling over signs

Hello all. I think my 12 week old is showing the first signs of wanting to roll over but I'm not too sure. Recently when they're on their back. Their body from the neck down has started to twist to the side. There are times when it looks like they might actually roll over but their head is still too heavy and not...


Pregnancy announcement

If your due date was October 3rd but you need a c section which would be a week early (September 26th) would you put October or September on your pregnancy announcement?


12wk Scan

12wk scan yesterday measuring. 12+6. Anyone guess the gender?? We will find out in 3 weeks🥹



Is it normal to have heavy cramping? It literally feels like when I’m about to start bleeding on my period. Definitely not Braxton hicks as I’ve had those for a while and they feel different.


11 DPO period pains

Has anyone experienced this and still been pregnant? I feel absolutely gutted 😣 trying not to let it get to me since period isn’t due for 3 days


Blood Clot in my Head 🙄

After giving birth on the 17th of January, I had very bad head pain, and I made the doctors aware of this and wasn't taken seriously.. Eventually, I got a doctor who listened to her patients, and well, they did a scan just to discover I have a massive blood clot on my brain. I've been in and out of hospital since, a...


show me your 18 week scans!! 🩷

i’ve booked a private scan to check on baby as my medication can slow down growth but i’m so curious how big she’ll look🥹 bonus points for 4D view!! (although i know she’ll still look weird at this point lol)


Anyone else having spotting at 6 weeks?!?

Hi girlies, Just wondered if anyone has experience the same thing, I told my midwife and she said just monitor it. Basically I've been having brown spotting (like 4 spots max a day) this is my 2nd day of it. I'm 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant.


Middle name for my angel baby named Saint

I am due to deliver twin boys at the end of march/beginning of april. One of my boys is incompatible with life and will pass shortly after birth. I’ve decided to name him Saint.I am having a hard time with middle names. our last name is 3 syllables , italian and starts with an M. any suggestions please leave them i...


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