Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.

Pain in stomach

I’m currently 32+4 weeks pregnant and suffering with I think trapped wind. It’s agonising pain that gets worse with movement and touching my stomach, mainly at the top of my stomach. Has anyone experienced this and has any advice please?


Baby down low

Please tell me other people are feeling baby at like the front of their vagina😂 like she’s reallyyyyy low down and I don’t remember this in my first pregnancy but feels like she could just come out any minute


Baby Shower Cake!

*Posting Anonymously because I don’t want the girl to see* I’m helping plan a baby shower for my friend & I need some cake inspiration!! Please help a stuck bestfriend😩✨🫶🏼



Anybody else seeing floaters after 34 weeks?


fetal medicine scan

when i had my 28 week growth scan, i was told that baby is measuring quite small and was only on the 5th centile. i’ve been referred to have a fmc scan with a consultant which i have this week, has anyone had one of these before and if so what should i expect?


Best hospital in SD If Going Into Labor at 34 Weeks?

I’ll be in SD for my babymoon at 34 weeks and want to be prepared just in case. I don’t have any risk factors for preterm labor and my midwife said I’m fine to travel. I’m planning for an unmedicated birth, however, I assume if I do go into labor at 34 weeks I’ll need some sort of medical intervention. Any hospital ...


Honestly this man!🙄

I need a rant🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ My baby dad decided he won’t see our 6 year old daughter unless she calls him to ask to see him🙄 She’s 6 years old?! It’s been a week and he hasn’t seen or really spoke to her because she hasn’t called him and asked him if she can see him🤦🏻‍♀️


Sleeping arrangements

How are you ladies sleeping? Side sleeping is really not good for me s my hips hurt and I toss and turn all night (I have multiple pillows!! Nothing works). Anyone else sleep propped up on their backs? X


Pretty baby girl names beginning with ‘A’

My baby boys name begins with A and want a baby girl name that also begins with A. No ‘Ad’ names like Ayda or Ada because that’s my sis in laws name I don’t want my daughter having similar name. Thanks girls


Anomaly scan - Royal

Hi, I feel like a saw a sign that said you don’t need a full bladder for your 20week anomaly scan at the royal hospital. Now I’m starting to doubt myself. Can anyone advise if you need need a full bladder?


Baby moving but not kicking

I can feel and see my baby move but they don’t kick as much as they used too, I do get some but not as powerful as they used to be. Did go into triage last Thursday all was fine any advice on this feeling?


Pain across belly

Im currently 30+4, and was in hospital 2 weeks ago with severe pain across my belly that came and went in waves. They progressively got sharper and more intense to the point I was crying, and the pains were making me physically throw up. They did a load of tests, said they thought it was just a water infection and s...



I’m a first time mum but haven’t felt baby move yet, I’m currently 21 weeks and was wondering. When did you girlies felt baby move as first time mum


5dpo - pressure in the uterus

Practically 6dpo here and been feeling on and off pressure in my uterus tonight, also like more blood flowing to it. Don’t remember having it with my previous pregnancies. Anyone had a similar feeling ahead of their bfp? I know it’s early 😇


My 1st March baby came a week early

Met my little girl a week earlier than her due date and I am over the moon. Born 22/02 weighing 6lbs 9oz 💞


Sibling name for Cove

Is Caleb too ‘normal’ as a sibling name for Cove?🤣


Anyone good on nub theory?

12+4 private scan next week


Elective c-section

I’m 28 weeks and really considering a c-section. I’ve had blood pressure problems since 16 weeks and currently on aspirin which has helped keep it steady this along side general anxiety has made me really anxious for a vaginal birth. Is it too late to be mentioning an elective c-section to my midwife? Unsure how thi...


Normal symptoms?

I’m 31 + 1, keep getting really short of breath like I can’t take a deep enough breath with palpitations happening regularly (even when just sat watching tv etc, nothing exerting or strenuous) and my whole body feels really shaky and heavy. Not sure if I should contact assessment unit or if I’m overreacting ? Im dr...


C section

I’ll be 6 weeks post c section on Wednesday, scar seems to have healed well but on the left had side above it’s still quite swollen and puffy and can still feel abit off pain there but the other side is fine. Is this normal?


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