Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.
I’m 28 weeks and really considering a c-section. I’ve had blood pressure problems since 16 weeks and currently on aspirin which has helped keep it steady this along side general anxiety has made me really anxious for a vaginal birth. Is it too late to be mentioning an elective c-section to my midwife? Unsure how thi...
I’m 31 + 1, keep getting really short of breath like I can’t take a deep enough breath with palpitations happening regularly (even when just sat watching tv etc, nothing exerting or strenuous) and my whole body feels really shaky and heavy. Not sure if I should contact assessment unit or if I’m overreacting ? Im dr...
I’ll be 6 weeks post c section on Wednesday, scar seems to have healed well but on the left had side above it’s still quite swollen and puffy and can still feel abit off pain there but the other side is fine. Is this normal?
Being induced tomorrow morning and I’m feeling so nervous! Just need to hear some positivity around it, as only ever hear negative stories.
I started having pretty consistent Braxton Hicks contractions a few days ago. They are only slightly uncomfortable and I feel my whole uterus tightening in the front (it is rock hard if you touch it). I have them throughout the day and have had up to 7 in an hour. Has this happened to anyone else? Does this mean I’m...
I was diagnosed type 1 at 24 weeks pregnant after my gestational diebetes test came back at unusually high levels so I’ve had a lot to take in this pregnancy (also my first baby!) put straight on insulin and had the libre I’m now 29 weeks and for the past couple of days I’ve woken up to my levels been around 3.5 - ...
Induced ✨ no Preeclampsia ✨ no Epidural ✨ yes Pitocin ✨ No C-Section ✨ no Gender Reveal ✨ no Breastfed ✨ Yes Due date ✨ 19/03/2025 Birthday ✨ 17/02/2025 Weight ✨ 6lb 3oz Nauseated ✨ Yes Cravings ✨ carrot sticks and Chinese Heartburn ✨ Yes Swollen ✨ no Sex of baby ✨ Boy 💙 Place of birth ✨ Pindersfield Hospital…
One of my best friends (7+ yrs) just told me she’s pregnant! I just had a miscarriage so I’m having a hard time accepting the news and being excited for her. I feel so selfish for not being excited. I literally burst into tears when she told me. This will be her 5th while we’ve been trying for our second. Any one el...
I would love to hear different ideas but these are some I have as well
What are yous thinking of getter your little boys for birthday?
Hi ladies, I have had to change my knickers twice within the last 2 hours as it keeps getting wet. I’m unsure if it amniotic fluid or just increased wet discharge? Any advice?
Since I turned 30weeks, time has been crawling. I hit a new week every Wednesday and it feels like Wednesday’s are so far away😢😂😭. I’m exhausted and I feel 9months is a long time. This is me moaning 😂😭 first time mom to be, can April be here already
Did anyone have morning sickness and emetophobia? How did you overcome it? Or how did you prevent being sick?
My son is now 17 weeks and when he's at all excited/upset his arm will kind of jerk up and down so that he hits the floor or whatever he's sitting on. The midwives said that his arm was up when he was born and I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but just want to make sure it's not a tick or something els...
As a hypochondriac I need someone to reassure me that all these things post c section are normal😂 -Scar stinging more so on one side - lower back pain - bruised feeling near scar when moving My scar is looking completely fine it just stings!
Any nice baby names ending in ie or y you can think of? I’ve ran out of names!!
I’m about to start listing what I need in my hospital bag but I don’t want to either overpack or underpack😩 What has everyone got for theirs?
How are we feeling mumma’s? Baby had a growth spurt this week xx
Don’t feel any signs of labor no mucus plug has fallen out I barley have Braxton hicks I just feel bloated and dehydrated a lot doctor said I was measuring 4 weeks ahead but still not even the slightest sign
This afternoon I have randomly had some lower back pain come on where it hurts to walk / bend, do you think it’s anything to worry about? Thanks 🥰