Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.
I’m a first time mom and I need help with figuring out if my child is in teething pain. She’s been chewing on everything and drooling for months now (she’s 4 months). Lately the last couple days she’s very fussy and has this new screeching scream. Sometimes it literally sounds like she’s having a temper tantrum and ...
Does anyone feel like your husband is more of a babysitter than a partner? I feel like I have to ask for his help - he doesn’t just offer it. Any advice on how to bring up a conversation without being rude or demeaning?
My son is 11 months old and loves to eat my food I gave him a bite and he bit and swallowed the tip of a plastic fork
Any young moms have hobbies that they wouldn’t mind sharing? 2 kids under 3 years old.. and pregnant again just trying to find something that occupy my time, I go to school but looking to do more !
I need advice with how to deal with this particular situation. Ever since I found out I was pregnant these family members on my sons dads side ALWAYS have an opinion on how I should do thing and what I should do or I’m not doing something right…I have ignore it and not let it bother me till recently, my baby is now ...
My son is 12 months old. We’re a bit late to start with BLW (my own worrisome wasn’t helping) He gags a lot but I think it’s because he shoves a lot into his mouth at once. I demonstrate to spit it out and he sometimes does. Is the meat a good size here? It was his first time eating meat alone and I’m wondering ...
hey ladiessss, how are we reacting to inactive grandmothers who are raising voices and verbally making our children uncomfortable and not respecting our childrens boundaries. , how are we confronting it. i do gentle with consequences.
He tries so hard to use the spoon and fork, but just can't grasp how to load the food on himself 😩 is it just practice makes perfect?
Are you finding it harder this time as they grow up? I find I'm enjoying it more this time but also finding it much harder when he grows out of stuff is getting bigger etc. Last time I could pack stuff away thinking I might need it again but this time I know I won't... I've been sleeping in the nursery with him sinc...
Anyone else dealing with their Lo refusing to eat almost all of their meals and just wanting to snack all day.. he eats a large variety of food and nothing is ever the same as the day before, but recently he’s only been wanting to snack or eat certain meals.
Pizza on English muffin (with hidden broccoli), carrots and grapes for my 2 year old.
Does anyone else feel like they aren’t enough for their baby? It seems that I hardly get to spend any fun time with her, I feel like I’m constantly on the go doing things eg the washing, preparing meals. I don’t seem to get the time to play with her as much as I would like, then it’s time for a nap, I do stuff aroun...
If someone gets offended if you don't eat their food wtf is that?
My son's favourite toy??? A potato. An uncooked russet potato.....
Can anyone recommend any days out/activities to do with my 4 month old. Feeling like I’m not doing much with him
How do you pay your bill? Me and my baby dad split up and he won’t pay half the bill, which ye I guess he pays csa with it £125 a month, but my bill is over £1000 a month!
I'm taking my son on a holiday during term time this June he is in reception (5 years old) this will be his first unauthorized absence. He has had some time off this year for illness though he is chronic asthmatic so his attendance over winter hasn't been fab but we've done our absolute best!!! My question is if an...
So I was in my room feeding my baby and when I got free I got up and started walking towards living room , I heard my mil bitching about me to my husband. Because last night I told her to stop giving him cookies before dinner. But she’s not respecting my boundaries instead she was being rude to me to always having b...
I work full time and my partners hours of work allow him to have days off during the week so he gets to spend more time with our LO and I’m suffering with not seeing my LO as often. my job is mon-fri 9-5 but I’m usually working late and I’m getting to the point where I just want to leave but can’t because of finance...
** A boarding school is an educational institution at which the majority of enrolled students reside. While some schools allow local students to commute to and from campus, most boarding school students eat, sleep, live, and learn on their school's campus, generally only returning to their homes for school breaks.