Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.
Can you use the free nursery code in more than one nursery? my son starts nursery March however I can only get him in one day a week, there are other nursery’s with more days and he is also at a nursery (school) in September, He will be 2 in May, I am on a debate to keep him in his first nursery or put him in th...
My son is 5.5 months and he is ALWAYS fussy w me. I try to get him to laugh or play w me and it only works for like 20 minutes tops before he's back to crying. I'm a sah ft single mom so Its usually just him and I. He is go go go from 6am til 6pm except for naps and I'm starting to get so overwhelmed I truly cannot ...
Probably going to sound sad but my boyfriend doesn’t have any friends. The only one that he classes as one is a butthole, this “friend” got a new friend and he just disappeared (he regularly comes to the house next door to us but never messages to see if my boyfriend is free). He’s had friends just dip in the pas...
Hi all my little one is exclusively breastfed. Now we have started solids he isn't on boob for long during the day. However he also won't drink much either (and definitely not water despite tempting him with added fruits and juices etc). I am worried because he is not having full nappies either. Today's nappy was pr...
So my daughter been having a lot of accidents at school and home. Been potty trained for a year and a half. But now won’t say if she needs a toilet. Went to doctor, no infection. I don’t know what to suggest, can anyone help please
My husband has been watching corn . I’ve told him how I’ve felt numerous times but I still catch him watching it on his private browser so I can’t look at his search history. He promises he will stop and that he doesn’t watch it but how can I believe that when he continues watching it. I just had my baby not even 3 ...
When it comes to helping little ones under 2 start talking and expand their vocabulary, there’s an endless list of tools and activities parents swear by. Every child is unique, so it’s all about finding what resonates with your toddler. Many parents recommend starting with interactive board books—especially ones wit...
I’m a stay at home mom and my fiancée works a lot. I am so tired that I don’t even care. Please share tips..
Would you only make plans outside your home to hang out? Mom of little ones here
My daughter is sick but wants to play even though she looks poorly and is coughing up a storm. I really can’t get off the couch though as I’m so dizzy and I don’t wanna pass out and my head feels like a balloon and eyes are heavy because of covid. What is some movies that will keep her entertained while I rest and m...
I use a leash for him when outside because he’s very fast. My husband regrettably joined us yesterday. I asked him to hold the leash while I drink my water. The leash came out of his grasp at some point and he said “you get it” I completely shut down after that cause 1. He’s your kid too. 2. What a dick. He asked m...
Heya, my mum has a cold sore and kissed my 1 year old on the cheek earlier and now I'm parinoid. I need to ask her not to kiss him until its cleared but feel bad! How bad is it? Will he have caught something now? I got home and Wipes his cheeks! Thank you
Husband gone monday-friday for work while you are home with baby and toddler for a whole year. Would you resent him for it?
Starting to lose my mind a bit LO (3 months 2 weeks) is hungry but too fussy to eat sucks for a few seconds then pulls away and gets really fussy physically bending his back and twisting his head away then come back to suck and the same circle continues. Also noticed he went from consuming 4oz in 1 feeding to consum...
My sons prek class is doing a project where they have to create a vehicle that moves on water with household items .. im at a lost .. any ideas ?
I'm not sure if this guy on YouTube has any scandals or whatever. All I know is that the weather sucks outside. It's freezing cold and snowing and I feel like we've been a little couch potatoey lately. I turn on Danny Go for the first time and my toddler is having an absolute blast running and jumping and dancing. G...
Any ideas?
Me my partner, his mum who only joins our dinner and baby are spending around £350 a month on food. This seems like quite a lot and I always filter to look for cheapest of each product and look the just essentials range on asda. This is excluding any baby related items like baby’s formula and nappies or any pouche...
Good finger foods for 7.5m old? She loves her crisps, biscuits and toast, trying to encourage to feed herself a few more bits, easy for her to keep hold of, suggestions please as my mind feels blank! Also what kinda meals are your LO’s currently having?
Hi all! My son is currently on mashed or lumpy puree meals and with some finger food. Fingers crossed food is mostly the dummy with the fruit in to hold or boiled veggies or melty sticks, or pasta. I would love some ideas for everything from breakfast, and dinner. We have lots of purées to use up in the freezer ...