Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Learning development

LG 18 months, was born 2 months early. I have been trying and trying and doing everything I can to teach things like animals, their noises, colours, shapes, the basics that I see others the same age learning. She will NOT pick any of it up. This has been repeated for monthhhsssss. She learned ‘cat’ but now just r...


Temper tantrums

I’ve noticed as my baby is developing his speech temper tantrums are at a all time high, anything from being put into the car seat, to nappy changes to even demanding things immediately. He’s my only child but I don’t want to ruin the lovely boy he is by giving into everything because it’s a cry. Im trying to go wit...



My little one is crawling! Born 7/22 Does anyone else feel that they just need to stop growing up? 😭😭


Speaking or delayed

Are your 27 month old speaking in sentences?


16 month old not walking

Hi so I am concerned as my 16 month old isnt walking or standing without support, he can cruise by holding onto furniture, stand with support, climb onto sofa go up the stairs but no walking. We try to make him walk by holding our hand but he gets tired and sits down after couple of seconds. Im not concerned about h...



My daughter (6 months) screeches and screams, when she’s happy/excited. It’s not just little ones. She does it long, loud and consistently. It’s hard to get a real understanding of it unless you actually hear it. She could do it for 30 minutes straight. Sometimes she even does it so loud and hard she’ll cough. I k...


Toddler Studdering

My son just started studdering while he talks for 2 weeks now. Is this normal or should I taken him to see someone?


Anyone else’s baby start having full on tantrums suddenly?

14 months yesterday and this week has been rough. 😓 But he also switched daycares and we’ve had houseguests because a family member is in the hospital. So not sure if this is a phase/leap or because of all we have going on.


Unfortunate Mispronunciations

Sooooo our LO keeps walking around holding up her socks yelling "cock" and pointing to clocks repeating "cock cock cock." 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm afraid to teach her the word truck 🤣 Anyone else have this problem? 😂


Does your child get upset when someone calls and they can’t have your phone??

My son throws huge temper tantrums any time someone calls my phone it’s hard to even talk


Everything in mouth

My baby is 6 months old and he never actually plays with stuff, everything he grabs he puts straight in his mouth, even his hands if he’s not got anything to grab. I’m wondering if I should get him more like interactive toys that he can press buttons and the play music or something. Anyone else’s baby do this?


Advice pls - 10 month old

I really need some advice as I feel like I’m hitting rock bottom. My son just non stop shouts or screams with no breaks, it’s been going on for a good few months now. It gets worse when a tooth comes through understandably but most of the time there is nothing wrong, he just shouts / whinges or is very irritable. It...


Baby tensing up and grunting?!?

Is anyone else baby tensing up, grunting even when not constipated or trying to poop? My 7 months old has started to do this suddenly and very often.. it happens a lot throughout the day! Not linked to specific mood / excitement etc.


Growling, and throwing head back

My baby has just turned 7m (adjusted) and tends to do this low growl. She does it a lot, and it’s being going on for at least a couple of months. She does it whenshe is frustrated, like trying to reach something, and when she is hungry or tired. She also does it at other times, when she doesn’t seem annoyed, apart f...


How to stop baby biting??

My sons 10 months this weekend so still very young, he rarely will try and latch on to my arm or something but I’m currently at work so their grandma is looking after them and she has sent me this! He had bitten my 6 year old (his brother obviously) right in the face! 🤦


Constant tantrums

Everything is such a battle at the moment! He’ll kick off at just about anything 😅 all I have to do is say no and he will throw himself on the floor kicking and screaming Definitely doesn’t help he’s teething and got a cold so sleep is extra awful!



Baby started creche and grunts/growls there a lot and sometimes at home too. Worried as they mention everyday that its getting worse but shes only one i cant get her to stop but feel as though theyre telling me as a hint theres something wrong?


Anyone else have a shy child?

My daughter is so shy despite me taking her places. She’s good with her friend that we do play dates with. She didn’t like library time and we’ve been to gymnastics open gym lately and she is still timid and mostly wants to sit there sucking her thumb (which she does only when she’s nervous). She doesn’t even intera...


Not coping with toddler and newborn

Please can someone tell me it’s hard at the beginning but it will get better… my 2 year old has started having horrendous tantrums to the point he is shaking and sweating so much because he’s got himself so wound up. Its because his baby brother arrived a week ago and I don’t think he’s adjusting. I just don’t know ...


Floor time

How long is your babies getting on the floor ? I'd love to put her on floor more i have a toddler who I'm worried about but also she gets bored really qhicm on tbe floor She's 5 months


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