Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
I am currently nearly 11 months in to tandem feeding and 2 and a half years into breastfeeding I never had the urge to stop breastfeeding until recently because my toddler does not sleep at all and I feel it’s starting to affect my baby too because we are all up at all hours trying to resettle I won’t be able to ...
I've just realised by 1 our kids will be fully having 3 full meals at nursery with snacks ect but in my mind I was thinking that I need to start pumping and take milk for nursery. Do I not need to do this!? Is anyone sending their 1 year old to nursery with breast milk or formula (at least in the beginning while...
Don’t know what’s going
I’m feeling really sad about having to stop BF, I’m in tears everyday about it. I’ve had a rough time PP with lots of surgeries and I’m really unwell. The meds I’m on means I can’t breast feed. My LO is only two months and I’ve missed out on loads already. Feel heartbroken that I can’t breastfeed her as it’s a feeli...
There are so many different models, which do I buy??? Going crazy here!!!
I tried in the bath yesterday and got nothing and not feel sad 😂 Any tips / tricks? It doesn’t help that my boobs are so big and my hands are tiny!
Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I'm starting to worry a bit because my little one isn't a fan of water. Is this typical? If you have this problem, what do you do? Also, approximately how much milk should a 10-month-old be having in a day?
Our twins were born 36+2w and are now technically at 37w. When did you establish breastfeeding? We are getting conflicting advice from NICU stuff. Tried to latch them on during the last 2-3 days. No full feeds but maybe 2 good latches with sucking for 2-3min. One nurse says to try as often as possible and the other ...
Is it odd for 14 month old to still be having around 4 milk feeds a day?
What kind of milk is everyone using for the baby when they turn one I just don’t know anything about milk lol
Our baby is 6 days old and throughout the night is constantly wanting a feed, last night it was every 20 minutes and she was awake from 9PM-5AM this morning. Breastfeeding is just making me really teary and I’m at the point of giving it up. Any advice?
Due to baby girls weight, I was encouraged to formula feed for our first day and a half and was advised to pump to stimulate boobs (she wouldn't take to boob after formula due to being too tired). They then wanted me to pump so that they could track how much vol she was drinking - essentially did one feed EBF, next ...
Is breast feeding hard my firstborn wasn’t breastfed because I was scared to try it
Hi ladies, I give my lo full fat cows milk in the morning and before bed. When are we meant to stop ? I can’t find much online.
I’m a second time Mum to be so you would think I would know this… 😂 I had a momcozy breast pump last time but it was slightly loud and bits broke off. I really want to give the whole breast feeding another try this time but unsure what pump is best to buy. Also, do you breast feed on one and pump the other and…
Hi ladies my LO will be 9 weeks on Friday, I’ve been formula feeding the whole time and still haven’t had a period. I’m really worried something is wrong and it’s going to affect my chances of having another baby in the future, I’ve been having aches and pains for about 2 weeks but still not period ☹️
Hey! Question for exclusively pumping ladies mainly, but what is everyone doing about dropping your night pump? My little one is drinking 6 bottles a day and has dropped the middle of the night feed. I’m still waking up anytime between 2-4 to pump. I know this is one of the best times for milk supply so I’m worried ...
I am wondering if I can increase my supply after a month 😪
I’m trying to work and leave the house… Baby won’t take a bottle! Will literally cry and cry with nanny, refusing the bottle for 8 hours. It’s insanity and stressful. We have tried offering breast milk via straw cups, diff bottles, open cups, syring, etc she won’t drink her milk unless it’s coming from my breast. Pl...
Heyy Is anyone in the same boat where their milk still didn’t come in, or no signs of changes in breasts. Like if you’re over 36 weeks at least.. It’s weird, coz with my first child, my breast grew so much and I began producing colostrum towards the end of my pregnancy. Now with my second, not a leak of milk..