Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.


I know not everyone agrees with dummy use but that’s not what this is about! My little lady is 3 weeks old and she does take a dummy (we tried a few brands) we introduced as she was using breastfeeding for comfort and as soon as she was laid down she’d wake for the boob but not actually feed. She will take the dummy...



Hi girls. I’m almost 24 weeks and the last 2 days i have noticed my nipples producing some sort of clear liquid, but not sure what it is. it’s not a lot but definitely there. i don’t think it’s colostrum tho i didn’t think i could produce it this early but not sure?



i’ve just tried collecting colostrum, i managed to get a few drops out but nowhere near enough to fill a syringe. any tips? xoxox


Milk supply

I've become really worried about my milk supply this week! I don't pump because I never feel full enough to do so. My little boy latches and I can see that he gets milk because he sucks and swallows, which is fine - but he feeds from both breasts and is still rooting for more, so I have to do a top up with formula. ...


How to kindly/ gently stop breastfeeding when being used as a dummy

My little boy is nearly 18 months old, underweight, has severe separation anxiety and still cluster feeds all night long. I truly don't mind the night feeds (he's still in my bed) I cannot get him in his own, so it's very convenient for us/ gives him extra calories in the night. He will not take a bottle really,...


first tooth!

my baby cut his first tooth and he’s exclusively breastfed. i’ve noticed that feedings are making my nipples a little more sensitive since him having a tooth. does anyone have any recommendations or tips on how to make my nipples not as sensitive/sore during feeds? thank you ☺️


Number of feeds

How many times are you all feeding your babies per day? I see guidance that says it should be 6-8 at this point but I'm responsively breastfeeding and my girl asks to be fed up to 14 times a day still!


Does dad bed your little one?

Hi all 👋 Just wanted to see what other people's experiences are. My little one has just turned two and is still breastfed. Ever since he was born I have put him down for every nap and every bed time except for a couple of occasions where I tried an overnight shift at work which my partner found to difficult so we…


Bottle for milk

Which bottle does your baby use for milk?



This might sound really stupid so apologies!!I had small b cup breasts pre pregnancy and I feel they haven't grown at all , I have been unable to harvest colostrum and I am really worried I am not going to be able to produce and milk and will be unable to breast feed. Please help !!


Breast pumps

What is the best hands free pump for someone with big boobs


Breastfeeding mums?!

How often are/did you breastfeed your 7mo? I feel like we had a growth spurt around 6 months and we have been feeding every 1–1.5hrs ever since? Feeding sessions have always been 5-8mins. Is this too often? I feel a bit lost?


Period cycle

What’s everyone’s period cycle like when breastfeeding?


Any advice - Stopping breastfeeding

My daughter is 13months old and she had been EBF despite attempting to bottle feed her along the way which she never took too. I’ve enjoyed BF but in the last few weeks my daughters starting biting me hard she has 6 little teeth now and it’s been awful 😅 I thought it was just due to teething but it’s started to…


Breastmilk supply

I am so worried about having a low supply as baby is rarely satisfied after a long feed on both sides and different positions. Does anyone have any tips to help boost supply that has worked please?


What does a clogged milk duct feel like? Or do I have mastitis?

I recently noticed a lump below my breast and it hasn’t been painful until recently feeding my baby. His sucking was very painful 😭 Any tips on how to figure out what this might be? I know that if it’s a milk duct I have to treat it before it becomes mastitis. 😭😖 any remedies?



How do we start weaning at 18 months? She still feeds to sleep and I would like to stop that. Im not against giving her bottles but im so done breastfeeding. But cows milk makes her constipated.



How do we start weaning at 18 months? She still feeds to sleep so How do we stop that?? I'm not against still giving her bottles but I'm so done breastfeeding.


Bad latch

Hi girls, My baby is 11 weeks old and we really struggled with latching at the beginning. It got better after a few weeks but recently my baby is getting so restless when feeding and she’s constantly pulling her head back with my nipple in her mouth causing a shallow and painful latch. I unlatch and reattach proper...


Milk until 1

I understand the guidance on milk until 1 being babies main source of nutrition and people saying not to worry too much about weaning until this point. But surely nothing changes over night when they suddenly become 1 and it’s important to prepare them for the change?


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