Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
My son is currently 15months and I still breastfeed. When did you stop breastfeeding?
Random one, but how do you get rid of the air bubbles in the syringes? It’s driving me insane because I can’t actually see how much I’ve collected!
Can anyone recommend a company that makes jewellery out of breastmilk? With so many company’s offering this when I google it, I’d rather go with a company that someone has used before and recommends :)
Hello! Baby is nearly a year and whenever I offer to feed during the day she is not interested, she thinks it’s a game to bite my nipple and then look at me and laugh at my reaction. She only really has milk during the nights now. I feel guilty because when she hurts me, I stop the feed (I say feed, no milk is actua...
I’m curious to know if I can take ibuprofen while breastfeeding. I think I have mastitis and it’s sooo painful😭 Paracetamol sometimes doesn’t work for me so want to know if ibuprofen is safe when BF. Also, to anyone who has had mastitis before, can hand expressing help? As it’s soo painful to feed on that side!…
Gave birth to my baby boy yesterday (18th Jan) and we started to practice latching but it was discovered his blood sugars were dangerously low so was given glucose gel and he guzzled 45ml of formula. Subsequent checks were the same so had a further 30ml formula, glucose and 1.5ml colostrum via syringe. He's now in N...
I am using Aeroflow to get a free breast pump, which one do you recommend I am currently looking at the momcozy M5, S12, M9
Hi everyone! My baby boy is 2 weeks + 3. I have been exclusively breastfeeding him. I’ve had some nipple damage and my baby doesn’t always latch properly but still powering through. I find the night feeds significantly harder though as he keeps unlatching or find it extra hard to latch him on. Does anyone else find...
We are 7 weeks on Wednesday when does it get easier my nipples are so sore. I’m honestly about to give up. I constantly spend my time latching her on and off in hope that we can be more comfortable. Seems to work for a couple of sucks then painful again.
Does nursing or being postpartum make your skin dry??
So I’m Hispanic and we have chocolate that we mix with some cinnamon and I was wondering if you can have it while breast-feeding I heard that you can’t have cinnamon while breast-feeding but it’s not like I’m having it every day.
Baby was in the NICU for a while so I have been exclusively pumping up until now. I had *some* advice and tried latching with a consultant once in the hospital, but since they needed to know his intake I was never able to feed. Now we are used to his cues and knowing he's gaining weight, he latched today for the f...
I randomly have a pain on a clogged milk duct stoped breastfeeding at 23 month old she is 3 is this normal
I had a meeting with a lactation specialist on Thursday and she said cus I was primarily breastfeeding and he is latching to stop pumping unless I’m engorged and in pain. I have only pumped the last 2 days when that happened so about 2 times a day.. the last 2 days my son has been super fussy could I have tanked my ...
Hey ladies, my little girl is 4 months old and I've EBF her most of our journey. I did pump for maybe the first 6 weeks and she had 1 bottle a day but we stopped doing that. Since then she's only had a bottle once and she HATED it. I'm looking to switch to pumping and bottle feeding to hopefully give myself more fre...
How do I wean my 14 month old off breastmilk? I tried saying no, I tried lemon juice, I tried apple cider vinegar and they all failed me. I’m also trying to get him to sleep on his own. I put him in his crib awake but I don’t think he’s used to being in there. I feel terrible. He’s been crying for 10 minutes. So...
I know not everyone agrees with dummy use but that’s not what this is about! My little lady is 3 weeks old and she does take a dummy (we tried a few brands) we introduced as she was using breastfeeding for comfort and as soon as she was laid down she’d wake for the boob but not actually feed. She will take the dummy...
Hi girls. I’m almost 24 weeks and the last 2 days i have noticed my nipples producing some sort of clear liquid, but not sure what it is. it’s not a lot but definitely there. i don’t think it’s colostrum tho i didn’t think i could produce it this early but not sure?
i’ve just tried collecting colostrum, i managed to get a few drops out but nowhere near enough to fill a syringe. any tips? xoxox
I've become really worried about my milk supply this week! I don't pump because I never feel full enough to do so. My little boy latches and I can see that he gets milk because he sucks and swallows, which is fine - but he feeds from both breasts and is still rooting for more, so I have to do a top up with formula. ...