Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
Due to a 3 day long labour, being left with broken waters and eventual emergency c-section with general anaesthetic, I didn’t get off to the start I wanted with breast feeding and baby hasn’t been willing to latch since day 2. I’ve been expressing to ensure my milk came through and to build up a supply, but the most...
Hi all, I have an 8 week old who has started to cry towards the end of her feed. I have a fast let down and she usually fusses a bit at the start of the feed and sometimes has a cough at the boob as well- this has been consistent from around week 4. But the crying towards the end of feed is new. I take her off to ...
Does anyone know if legally your employer has to allow breaks for you to express?
So this post is abit TMI, but I didn’t want to end up in a Google hole! My partner and I were intimate last night and during which there was some boob feeling and I milked for the first time😭😂😂 this is my first pregnancy and first sight of any milk coming out. Question is, now that has happened is it more likely…
I'm so engorged 😭😭😭 Any tips on relief or how to dry these boobs up? They are so painful!! My midwife said a hot shower but online advice says no hot water so I'm very confused 😂😂 First time since January 2022 my boobs will be in a non pregnant state so very ready for the relief!!
Considering buying this pump. Has anyone used it and would recommend?
Has anybody had gone through the same? I stopped breastfeeding at 6 months, then at 8 months I got my period and it went away 6 days later. I didn’t have bleeding for a whole week and then today I got it back. No spotting, real and regular period blood. Doesn’t fill up a whole tampon but it does fill it half way. I ...
My baby is 10 weeks old exclusively breastfed, I’ve tried to give her a dummy on a three different occasions now and every time after she’s had it for a couple mins the next time we feed it’s like she doesn’t latch as strong and comes on and off my boob. I think her having one would be so helpful and she does like i...
I'm really frustrated because my daughter is 13.5 months and I i stopped pumping when she was 8 months when i felt like i had enough of a stash to tide us through anything and i mentally just couldn't pump anymore. I have continued breastfeeding and i love it. My issue is that this is the second time my MIL has gott...
Wondering when you guys introduced bottles during breastfeeding? My daughter is a week old and has her check up tomorrow to check weight so i wanted to breastfeed exclusively untill then but the exhaustion is starting to kick in and my fiance would like to be able to feed baby as well!
We topped my 6 week old off with a bottle (breastmilk) last night and she has pretty much slept through (3am now and shes still asleep) She went on both breasts and then had 3oz as I was worried she wasn’t getting enough from me ( had blocked ducts 2 weeks ago so im paranoid now) Am I going to produce enough mil...
My breastmilk supply has significantly declined and I am not engorged anymore even if baby has not been on the boob all day.. I have been drinking a lot of water all day and eating a varied diet. Moreover, the colour of my breastmilk has changed from white to a more murkier colour. What can this mean? Anyone else ...
My twins were born at 32 weeks on Tuesday and our NICU has a lactation department that is helping me get started pumping for them. The goal was to pump at least 600 ml by day 7, double what they recommend for a Singleton. I just finished pumping for day 5 and hit 780ml!! I'm thrilled that it's working and just wante...
I’m DONE with breastfeeding. It’s painful, time consuming and exhausting. Any recommendations for reducing and eliminating lactation?
Does anyone know of any detox cleanse that is breastfed safe? I’m trying to lose weight and been working out 6 months pp but I feel like I’ve made no progress and just feel so tired. I feel like I need to take extra supplements of something because I just feel so drained all the time and my knees hurt so bad when I ...
With my first I dropped a good amount of the weight and was almost back to pre baby weight. This second kid though I feel like I’m holding onto like 10-15 lbs no matter what I do I feel like I can’t drop it
Has anyone gotten a pump from them before ? I’m in the process but idk feels kinda iffy
My baby is only 4 days old. I didn’t feel she was getting enough before my milk came through so I tried to top her up with abit of formula. Since then she has vomited, had more hiccups / struggled to poo and also seems to be bringing up breast milk after feeds. I regret giving it her and she clearly hasn’t reacted w...
Hi there, my 8 weeks old girl is on breastfeeding but noticed that she didn’t gain weight as expected (she did a little in a week) then she seems hungry after feeding. We are thinking to bring formula in as well. Any advice or experience would be appreciated
Those of you who exclusively breastfeed at 12 months, how many feeds does your baby have during the day on average?