Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
Does anyone know of any detox cleanse that is breastfed safe? I’m trying to lose weight and been working out 6 months pp but I feel like I’ve made no progress and just feel so tired. I feel like I need to take extra supplements of something because I just feel so drained all the time and my knees hurt so bad when I ...
With my first I dropped a good amount of the weight and was almost back to pre baby weight. This second kid though I feel like I’m holding onto like 10-15 lbs no matter what I do I feel like I can’t drop it
Has anyone gotten a pump from them before ? I’m in the process but idk feels kinda iffy
My baby is only 4 days old. I didn’t feel she was getting enough before my milk came through so I tried to top her up with abit of formula. Since then she has vomited, had more hiccups / struggled to poo and also seems to be bringing up breast milk after feeds. I regret giving it her and she clearly hasn’t reacted w...
Hi there, my 8 weeks old girl is on breastfeeding but noticed that she didn’t gain weight as expected (she did a little in a week) then she seems hungry after feeding. We are thinking to bring formula in as well. Any advice or experience would be appreciated
Those of you who exclusively breastfeed at 12 months, how many feeds does your baby have during the day on average?
I'm on day 3 and it seems I have way more milk than my baby needs and my breast are becoming hard and uncomfortable and I don't know what to do please had anyone asked experienced the same
She will not drink cold or room temp milk at all
My little girl is 3 months this week and cause been refusing breastfeeding for the last 2 weeks. She started teething around that time too. Any help/ suggestions to encourage her again??
What are your 20 month olds drinking? Mine is still on just whole milk and water
Hi! My daughter is 5 months and EBF. Really want her to take a bottle for going out purposes but currently hates it/hates formula and not interested in expressed breast milk. We have never tried her with a dummy. If we try and introduce a dummy will This help with taking a bottle? Has anyone got any tips???...
Currently 5 weeks into breastfeeding. Slight soreness still but cracks have thankfully healed. Couple questions: 1. My nipples extend quite a bit naturally so everytime I wear a bra especially right after a feed where it's stretched out even more it hurts as its being squished. Feels like it's forcefully being pu...
Hi ladies, I have just had my second baby and am finding breast feeding a challenge. I am using my medela swing breast pump. Any recommendations for wearable breast pumps? Are they as efficient in helping to maximise supply? Also does anyone know of anywhere local that hires out pumps? Thanks in advance ☺️
Just wondering if anyone else is in the same position. My LO is almost 12 weeks and I kind of got use to her feeding every 1-2hrs. Shes gaining weight properly, seems to get on well with feeds (I exclusively breastfeed). But I see lots of people and baby books saying that babies tend to feed every 3-4 hours at this ...
I just found out I’m pregnant with baby number 2 but my 1.5 year old still nurses a couple times during the day as well as at night. Has anyone breastfed through their pregnancy? I’ve always said I would nurse until he weaned himself as long as my body kept up.
I’m currently using a double wearable breast pump I got gifted, it’s a standard one from Amazon but I want to invest in a decent pump now that I’m certain I’m going to pump for the foreseeable future. Can anyone recommend any good pumps. Thanks
Does anyone know how much approximately a 4 week old should be getting with breast milk? Due to some issues whilst still in hospital I had to express milk and that is main form of feeding now (he will feed straight from the breast maybe once or twice a day) every night between 1-4 he is so unsettled and wants to dri...
I suffered with severe HG throughout my pregnancy. My baby girl is 4 weeks and mixed fed. I get awful nausea before I breastfeed/express and then after I feel fine. It then comes back not long after as my boobs fill up again. I can’t cope with anymore nausea so thinking of just stopping with the breast milk. Please ...
How much breastmilk and solids is your 8 month old having?
Any tips on getting my ebf baby to get used to a bottle? She’s 11 weeks and refuses bottles