Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
I’m going back to work part time soon and my little one will have to go roughly 6 hours without boob. She’s pretty much been ebf but did have the odd bottle when she was a few months old. She will be 13 months when I go back (she was prem though so corrected she’ll be 11 months) At the moment I feed her on demand, w...
My baby is 9 month old on solids and still having boob feeds. We always give her water at meal as when we first started solids we were told to offer water at meals but said she didn’t need it any other time but that was 3 months ago now. She’s eating more and not taking as much boob now during day and for past coupl...
Those who have larger breasts, especially on the saggier side, what positions do you find helps when feeding. Found out baby was using breast as dummy and wasn’t actually taking in milk and lost a considerable amount of weight 😞 feeling deflated. Have tried pumping with spectra s1 and did well first time, but…
Not sure if anyone else can relate, I'm breastfeeding but pump a couple of times a day so my baby can also have a bottle.... one boob I get like 4-5oz and the other I get 1-2oz from 15 mins of pumping. Can anyone relate or does anyone have any tips to increase supply in one boob haha? Thanks!
My little one has just had her first tooth cut through (last week). Pretty much everyday she has bitten me at least once. Just little nips, but a bit painful. Often accompanied by a cheeky grin. Obviously this is not something I want to encourage. Has anyone experienced this… any suggestions?
My boy is almost 13 weeks and keeps choking on the boob recently. I know I’ve always had a strong letdown and fast flow but he seemed to have managed better before and now choking and pulling off the boob. Feeds seem much shorter too for the last week or so. This must be a developmental thing as surely he did man...
I would love another baby and to be pregnant again, but I have a 6 week old and am breastfeeding. How long did it take all you breastfeeding mothers to get your periods back?
Advice very very welcomed. I think we’ve finally come to the end of our breast feeding journey.. as much as I’ve loved it my son has become increasingly boob obsessed (at times impacting his eating and appetite) and clawing at my top/chest which I’m finally just done with. I just don’t know where to start! I hate ...
Hey, What are people doing with any colostrum they harvested & froze? Conscious of it being 6 months nearly...
Hi. I'm a new twin mum. I breastfeed one baby at the time whilst we are still adjusting to everything 1 week after the birth. I'd love to breastfeed them both at the same time in the future to save time, especially at night. But not sure how the burping part works when I'm on my own with two fed babies. Any advice? X
My little one turned 1 last week and we’ve started to transition to cows milk from being EBF, I’ve dropped 1 feed a day to introduce cows milks in place of this but she seems to hate cows milk!! I’ve tried all different types of bottles/cups to see if that helped but it’s definitely more to do with taste. She starts...
Hello! I guess this is actually more than one question from a mama who is a bit stuck on what I should be doing right now. My little girl is one at the end of February and I have pretty much always exclusively breastfed, apart from at the beginning when she was first born and I needed to top her up with pumped m...
I am having my waters broken tomorrow morning 🤞🏻, I’ve just got home and had the thought in my head, what do I do about taking some colostrum. Did anyone take any of their frozen stash with them, or did you just express after birth?
Due to a 3 day long labour, being left with broken waters and eventual emergency c-section with general anaesthetic, I didn’t get off to the start I wanted with breast feeding and baby hasn’t been willing to latch since day 2. I’ve been expressing to ensure my milk came through and to build up a supply, but the most...
Hi all, I have an 8 week old who has started to cry towards the end of her feed. I have a fast let down and she usually fusses a bit at the start of the feed and sometimes has a cough at the boob as well- this has been consistent from around week 4. But the crying towards the end of feed is new. I take her off to ...
Does anyone know if legally your employer has to allow breaks for you to express?
So this post is abit TMI, but I didn’t want to end up in a Google hole! My partner and I were intimate last night and during which there was some boob feeling and I milked for the first time😭😂😂 this is my first pregnancy and first sight of any milk coming out. Question is, now that has happened is it more likely…
I'm so engorged 😭😭😭 Any tips on relief or how to dry these boobs up? They are so painful!! My midwife said a hot shower but online advice says no hot water so I'm very confused 😂😂 First time since January 2022 my boobs will be in a non pregnant state so very ready for the relief!!
Considering buying this pump. Has anyone used it and would recommend?
Has anybody had gone through the same? I stopped breastfeeding at 6 months, then at 8 months I got my period and it went away 6 days later. I didn’t have bleeding for a whole week and then today I got it back. No spotting, real and regular period blood. Doesn’t fill up a whole tampon but it does fill it half way. I ...