Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Magnesium/ bed spray?

Has anybody tried magnesium cream or this works baby deep sleep spray to get their LO’s to sleep longer stretches?


Partner separation

Hey all! My partner has just gone away for three nights for work and I’m extremely distraught about it for some reason. Since he left this morning I have no stop crying and already miss him. Has anyone else experienced this and if so what did you do to cope.


Do you still use a bottle for the bedtime milk?

Finding it so difficult to transition him to a cup for his milk before bed! I think it’s a comfort thing as he will drink water from his tum tum no problem.



Where do they inject a baby at 12 week injection/ how many and what expect ?



Anyone else’s 18 month old started spinning themselves round? Mine started yesterday and he keeps getting dizzy and falling over and finding it very funny. He will stop if we say no a couple of times or distract him with something else but then a couple of minutes later he is spinning again it’s not like all day b...


Dummies for breast fed babies

Help please what dummy’s are best for breast fed babies my LO is breast fed and we are worried about what dummies are best for breastfed babies xx and want one when he is really hard to settle please help 😅🤦🏼‍♀️🥰



What nappies have everyone tried because I’m on pampers but tried aldi but she broke out in a nappy rash just want to know if anyone using an other brands and how are they finding it


Weaning off BF to cows milk

How do you cut the last milk feed to cows milk? Do you offer it in a sippy cup or a bottle? (Lo is going to by 1yrs and has never had a bottle only a sippy cup) I'm looking to move from BF to cows milk but confused how to offef it to lo before bed, as it's usually take him up after his milk feed and put him to sl...


My boy was on hands and knees screaming crying shaking while pooping 😢

He was a bit constipated for a few days, having only small drops. Then today this happened it was really hurting to poop. He's had a cold for 2 weeks so had poor appetite. I'm guessing that's why he was constipated as didn't get enough fiber. However he has been clinging off my breasts for 2 weeks so I know he was f...


Unexpectedly pregnant

My supply has immediately disappeared after learning I was pregnant. I feel like a failure to my baby. I have no idea how to transition to bottles. He’s hungry and cranky. Hates the bottle/formula. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, power pumping to try to get as much as I can but all I get are drops. I don’t...


How long are the wake window for 6 weeks baby?

I'm struggling to put my baby to sleep on days, I know they need to have maximum of 90 min wake window but mine sometimes goes to 2 or 3 hours, he is very agitated. I tried everything, cuddles, white noise, dummy... Even on breast sometimes he is very agitated on days. Somebody on this situation? What could be?


Delayed milestones

Hey my son is 9 months old next week and has been going physio for issues with arm weakness which has now resolved. His physio kind of made me feel like a bad mum as she said he should be crawling, getting into sitting position and pulling himself up on to things which he doesn’t do. Basically telling me she wants h...


Does your baby sleep in their bassinet?

Hi all I’m expecting my baby at the end of April and now shopping for baby essentials. One of them is a bedside bassinet, and I heard that actually it is one of the most overestimated items as babies prefer to sleep with their moms (and I get it, so safe and cozy😇) Just wanted to hear from you if some of your…


Please help

My 2 year old (24 months) hasn’t napped in over a week. She started skipping her nap a few weeks ago but it has progressively gotten more consistent. I have a 3 month old as well And my husband is on nights so I’m solo parenting. She is a nightmare these days I’ll be honest. If she doesn’t nap, she barely makes it t...


Bath Seats🫧

I currently use the Angel Care bath seat to bathe my now 5 month old but he’s started to push himself off which isn’t safe and makes it a lot harder to bathe him. Old photo just incase people don’t know what I’m on about 🙈 What do you use to bath your LO?


When did everyone start expressing?

Just wondering when to begin expressing as I’ve read online your milk is in as early as 20 weeks, but it can be quite risky to express early due to it potentially triggering contractions! I would love to know to prepare as with my first I never produced anything until my milk came in when he was 2 days old, so I wan...


When did your periods return?

I'm 8 weeks pp and still haven't had a period. This is my second baby and with my first it returned around 6/7 weeks. Baby is formula fed too


Is this normal?

Is this considered diarrhea? My baby is one month and 3 weeks. She is doing this since yesterday


Does your toddler also talk (proper words or gibberish) non stop?

Proper non stop from waking up to going to bed?


Lansinoh bags - design and measurements

Hi all, i’ve noticed that my haakaa will measure 1 ounce of breastmilk, and then when I pour it into lansinoh bag, it looks like I have much more than 1 ounce. Are you kind of guessing how much milk is in there, or do you have a trick for stretching out these bags on the bottom so that you are more confident in the ...


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