Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
I am expecting my first child with my husband and I am very excited. However, my MIL is very overbearing in my opinion. She is excited and she is trying to do everything which I am appreciative of, but I feel like she’s overstepping. When we first shared the news she stated that she needed to get things for her hous...
I’m currently 3 weeks post partum/c section and still experiencing some tenderness around the incision/tummy area. The scar looks fine, no swelling or pus but was wondering if anyone else experienced the tenderness?? And when would it go away?
Hi! New here ! My child is barley 17 months, but me and my husband were speaking about when they'd need to be in school. I'm currently a sahm and been w my child since she was born. It literally breaks my heart thinking about putting her in school. How did other mothers cope w that feeling ? I keep thinking of her w...
so i’m an absolute sex fiend. and everyone keeps saying after giving birth i won’t feel up to it, but i have never not felt up to it. i know you can’t have sex right after labour, but how soon can you? and is there anything you CAN do in the meantime
I have mega mam guilt because I’ve just signed my daughter (14 months) up for nursery, she will be attending on a Friday and then in April it will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday, however I don’t work Mondays so I thought I’d put her in for a few hours so she can gain more skills etc but now I’m sat feeling guilty b...
I keep having thoughts someone is going to take my baby or something might happen to him . All these cases about human trafficking and just media in general has made me scared I really pray .. and ask God to protect him idk what to do
How is it best to do it? It's proper working me up and it probably wouldn't for anyone else. And it is so early but have no choice.
I am STRUGGLING. I have no motivation to do anything. I feel so sad that my maternity leave has been clouded by depression, i just want to enjoy being a mum. Does anyone have any ideas or tips on how i can get myself out of this 😔 my baby is almost 8 months old and i feel like maternity leave is coming to an end…
My baby (9months) is usually happy to be held with other people as long as she can see me or her dad. However as soon as she sees my FIL is nearby she cries uncontrollably, (it’s been like that since she’s been old enough to recognise people). She doesn’t have this reaction with anyone else and it makes me upset for...
Has anyone vaginally delivered a baby that’s been back to back before? I’ve been advised to be prepared for the back pain it causes whilst pushing 🙃
Posting this to understand if I am at fault or I have just become too sensitive after postpartum. I gave birth to my daughter almost 6 months ago and use to have average relationship with my inlaws.Before and during birth,they came to live with us for 4 months.During this course,they wanted to invite their daughter ...
Well I did it. I broke up with him and I ain’t doing to well. I just want to be with him but I want better from him. I didn’t want to do this. Why did he make me do this? I just don’t understand. It hurts so much. I don’t want to lose the father of my child or the love of my life. I can’t stop crying. I just need a ...
Hey ya’ll. This entire past week, I’ve felt this sudden and very strong pull towards God, and I’m not sure what it means or where to place this feeling or how to follow it. Let me be clear, I was raised in a southern Baptist church, saved and baptized when I was 10, but unfortunately was hurt by the church and my ...
I am only 24w, 6d, and I am just so emotional and crying all the time over stuff that shouldn’t be making me cry and then I feel like a burden to the people around me and it makes me even more sad and just feel like a constant mess, even though that’s not the case, things are just making me way more emotional (sad) ...
My babygirl isn’t born yet however me and her father are no longer together. We get along fine for now but I don’t necessarily like him around me, hugging me or touching my bump. I do love and care for him but he’s put me through a very traumatic and damaging experience while we were together. Since we’ve broken up ...
My asthma is uncontrollable ATM and I've been admitted for the third time this week. I've self discharged before now not wanting to leave my baby but I can't leave cuz it's not getting better. She's exclusively breastfed and sleeps with me. She's with her daddy now but she's never settled with him and refuses my bre...
I'm 6 months postpartum and every day I want to cry and feel like I can't do this being a mum. I just feel so depressed but I'm scared to get help incase they take my baby away from me. She is well looked after but what if they think I'm not doing a good enough job due to being depressed. I have no support around me...
I think it might have ppd but I've not spoke to anyone about it. My little one is 6 weeks old (2nd baby). Around 2/2.5 weeks ago I started feeling down/sad all the time. Like 24/7. I now have some happy/light moments then just go right back to feeling down. I have intrusive thoughts/nightmares(I do not feel like I w...
I'm losing my best friend of 20 years and honestly, I'm upset that I'm not more upset about it. My best friend isn't really in kids, and has no intention of having any of her own. When I got pregnant, she said she was shocked by how excited she was to be an aunt (literal and honorary, as her husband and my partner ...
To cut things short, I am currently sobbing in the living room whilst my 15 month old toddler and husband are fast asleep. I feel that I still haven’t fully come out of PPD. My MIL is the reason I ended up with PPD and out of respect I bottled up my feelings for so long and faked it till it went away but I am having...