Can Boric Acid Cause Miscarriages?

Can Boric Acid Cause Miscarriages?

Having that itchy feeling down there is never ideal…

Especially if it’s accompanied by some more unpleasant symptoms. 🫠

So, could boric acid be the remedy you need?

Well, that depends — it’s recommended pregnant women should steer clear of it for the duration of their pregnancy.

“Is that because it causes miscarriages?”

“And, can you take it while you’re trying to conceive?“

Let’s find out together. 👇

In this article: 📝

  • Can you miscarry from taking boric acid?
  • What is boric acid?
  • How is boric acid used for women’s health?
  • What if you’ve used boric acid before you knew you were pregnant — what does this mean?
  • Can you use boric acid when trying for a baby?

Can you miscarry from taking boric acid?

So, there’s no concrete evidence that shows boric acid directly causes miscarriages.

But… and this is a big but… it is found to be toxic to a developing fetus. [1]

In fact, it’s recommended that you avoid boric acid altogether when you’re pregnant, as it’s not known if it can cause pregnancy loss or birth defects, so more research is required.

Can you take boric acid suppositories when pregnant?

You shouldn’t take boric acid at all during pregnancy.

This is because exposure to large amounts of it can cause toxicity to the fetus, and even death. [1]

You should also avoid taking this while you’re trying to get pregnant (TTC) — more on this later! 👇


What is boric acid?

So, let’s backtrack for a sec — what even is boric acid?

And what is it used for?

Well, turns out it’s been around for centuries… some think from at least the Ancient Greek period, if not further back. 🏛️ [2]

It’s been used for many years as an antiseptic, for cleaning, preserving food, treating minor cuts or buns, and other purposes.

How is boric acid used for women’s health?

Some of those other purposes include women’s health, as it’s thought that boric acid can help to promote a balance of acid in your vagina. [3]

It’s typically taken in capsule form that you can insert into your vagina, known as a suppository.

So, what can it help with?

Vaginal yeast infections

Also known as candidiasis, candidal vulvovaginitis, or, most commonly known as thrush, yeast infections of the vagina can be pesky little things.

Especially if you’re sexually active, and you end up passing it on to your partner. 🙃

They cause swelling, itching, and irritation of the vagina, as well as thick, odorless discharge (that looks a little like cottage cheese — sorry for that visual). [4]

Sometimes, you can also experience pain during sex.

For persistent yeast infections that aren’t clearing up with creams, pessaries, or antibiotics, boric acid is sometimes prescribed as an alternative remedy.

What if you have a yeast infection while pregnant?

Initially, you’d be recommended to treat your thrush with creams and pessaries.

Boric acid would only be recommended to treat persistent yeast infections, so if it’s just a one-off, the creams and pessaries should sort the problem out fairly quickly.

It is important to get treatment for thrush infections during pregnancy.

Generally, fluconazole pessaries are prescribed and should do the trick.

If you are suffering from thrush infections that just. won’t. clear (🙄), it can be tricky to navigate this as a mama-to-be — especially because some antibiotics aren’t suitable for women who are pregnant.

Best bet?

Chat with your doctor who’ll be able to give you some remedies you can try that are suitable for pregnancy.


Bacterial vaginosis

Also known as BV, this is an infection which is caused by excessive bacterial activity in your vagina.

It’s often accompanied by white or gray discharge, which can have an unpleasant fishy smell. 🤧

Sometimes, you can also experience vaginal discomfort or pain when peeing.

Boric acid is sometimes used as an additional treatment to antibiotics.

What if you have BV while pregnant?

Well, fun fact — it turns out, around 10-30% of women get BV during their pregnancy. [5]

So, you’re definitely not alone, mama-to-be. 🤍

It’s more common in pregnant women as your hormones are flying all over the shop, so it’s natural for the bacteria to get a bit out of sync sometimes.

But, it is important to get it treated as soon as you can.

If BV is left untreated while you’re pregnant, your baby may be at an increased risk for premature birth, and low birth weight. [6]

But, here’s the sticky part…

Treatment for BV when pregnant can be a little bit challenging.

Antibiotics are generally prescribed, but they rid the vagina of both the bad and the good bacteria, too — and the vagina needs a careful balance of both. ⚖️

And, you shouldn’t take boric acid to clear it up, either.

So, it’s recommended antibiotics should be used only when absolutely necessary and, in other cases, you could try vaginal probiotics to try and restore the balance in the vaginal ecosystem.

Again, your best bet is to ask your doc — they’ll know your individual medical history, and know what’s best to prescribe for you to treat your BV. 👩‍⚕️


An STI that’s caused by the parasite trichomonas vaginalis, trichomoniasis can certainly cause some discomfort down there. 😫

Symptoms can include itching and irritation, as well as a green or yellow discharge which is described as ‘foul-smelling’.

You might also feel pain when peeing, and during, or after, sex.

Again, boric acid suppositories can sometimes be prescribed as an additional treatment to antibiotics.

What if you have trichomoniasis while pregnant?

Again, having trichomoniasis while pregnant is a red flag. ⛳

It’s associated with preterm delivery, low birth weight, and pre-labor rupture of membranes. [7]

There’s also the chance that the infection could be transmitted to the baby during vaginal birth. [8]

So, treatment is needed right away to clear up trichomoniasis when you’re pregnant.

But, boric acid is a no-no…

The treatment is a large single dose of antibiotics and, if your partner has also contracted this infection, they should take the antibiotics, too.

And, if the infection is treated before you go into labor, the risk of transmission to the baby during birth is no longer there.


What if you’ve used boric acid before you knew you were pregnant — what does this mean?

If you’ve accidentally used boric acid and you’ve just found out you’re pregnant, the most important thing to do initially is not to worry.

These things happen — you weren’t to know. ❤️ 

Speak with your doctor about what this could mean and they’ll be able to advise you on the best next steps.

They’ll also advise you against taking boric acid again until you’re no longer pregnant.

Can you use boric acid when trying for a baby?

It’s recommended that you don’t take boric acid at all when you’re trying for a baby (TTC), either.

Studies and research are ongoing into the effects of boric acid while you’re TTC, so it’s best to stay away to be safe. [9]

You should also steer away from boric acid when you’re breastfeeding, too, for the same reasons. 🤱

🔍 Read More: Can Stress Cause Miscarriages?

So, to conclude…

Boric acid is a no-no during pregnancy, if you’re trying to get pregnant, and if you’re breastfeeding. ❌

The risks and effects of boric acid just aren’t studied enough to recommend women take it safely during these important life stages.

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