Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Sex & Relationships.
I got banned from the app for a bit today but ANYWAYS here’s my thought today Would you want the grass to feel or the sky to see?
Heyy girlies what’s some good heartbeat apps I could use to hear baby heart beat
My bd and me aren’t together but he messages men I don’t even know asking if I’ve been speaking too them it’s starting too piss me off. I’m really concerned is this normal anyone else’s do this
I hate that I have gotten myself in the situation where I'm stuck with this abusive man because I had opportunities before the baby was born to walk away and I didn't to be a "family" now I've had my baby I realise this man is terrible and I want to leave but I can't. I feel miserable and stuck
I am looking for more mom friends. I hope to find more mom friends in iowa. I am ok with other mom friends to
Would love to connect with like minded individuals 🤗 Share photos Laughs and training advice 🥹
I have seen a few posts of people living in the same house as their ex partner/husband after breaking up. How were you able to do this? Are you able to coparent and still maintain respect without additional benefits. PS: the split is not due to DV or cheating.
looking for more friends
Curious if anyone here got pregnant again before their period came back?
My sex drive has took a massive dip after pregnancy, I can’t do anything without showering right before hand and I’m just never up for it. It’s becoming a problem in my relationship as my partner believes you need to have sex to keep our relationship strong, he thinks I’m not attracted to him anymore and it’s causi...
i really need some mom friends, i keep trying to reach out and i just feel rejected my everyone. it could be in my head but i don’t even wanna try anymore. i was supposed to maybe do something this week w a new friend potentially, but she hasn’t reached out about it. should i reach out to her? or just wait? i’m sick...
Idk about you guys, but i come on this app for mom content. Moms have a lot going on and are anxious already. I want to come on here as an escape, talk to mom friends, & help each other out. If i wanted to see politic crap nonstop, I'd go in Facebook
I've had people add me, but no one talks. 🥲 I don't mind if you're not local to me, I just need friends. I have no one to talk to, and I might actually go insane. (jk)
I’m looking to start going to baby groups with my baby his over 4 months and want pay as you go, can anyone recommend any please x
Hi all. I desperately want to divorce my husband and sooner rather than later. I have no job, no car, no saved funds, no friends or family in the state or anywhere nearby. We have one toddler about to turn 2. We share a car but he takes it 7 days a week (5 days for work, the weekends to spend all day hunting). He to...
I started using a dating app recently and lots of people want you to give out your instagram or social media to talk on there/ see your real. I say I don’t add random people because I have pictures of my daughter on there and never actually know who your talking to. I always say it in a lighthearted way. Some peo...
As a mom who doesn’t drink or party, is it possible to be friends with moms that do? Considering different interests
I’m looking for older moms with toddlers and newborns like I have to be friends . Either online or in person . I’m in the London Ontario area .
I had no idea that having sex during pregnancy may cause contractions without labor. I had sex about ten minutes later, and an hour and five minutes apart, I was feeling contractions. I just observed it, and the next day, I was OK. I am 38 weeks and two days along.
So have been with my hubby for over 25 years, we have 3 children, 2 older 1 younger, our sex life is great (when it happens) but the locations are getting a bit vanilla, it always seems to be in bed. I really really want to spice it up a bit, I often put on sexy underwear hoping for a bit of spontaneity but it alway...