Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Work & Money.
I have been on maternity leave for 6 months now. My pay was significantly reduced this month. I do know if I take a year of maternity leave. The last 3 months would not be paid. However, I didn't realise that my pay could be reduced. Does anyone have a good understanding of how it works?
Hey everyone, I’m going on a family holiday and will turn 32 weeks whilst abroad, and I’m really struggling to find travel insurance that covers after 32 weeks (the final few days)… any advice / links / company recommendations would be super helpful!! Thank you x
Looking for a wfh job, I’m in Liverpool
With only 11 days left until baby gets here I’m beginning to stress out because I still don’t have all the essentials I need and have exhausted every avenue I can to make sure we have what we do have, but as time gets closer I’m realizing we really don’t have a lot of time to get everything and all of ours bills are...
I want to set up a small savings account for my son. I've looked online and I don't have the best financial literacy to understand the perks. Any recommendations? It's for long term but I don't necessarily want to be restricted to it for college only!
If so how did you go about it and getting funding etc? Basically how does it all work 🤣 I do plan on making an appointment with careers wales and ask them etc but just wanted to see if anyone here has/knows.
Hi, we were thinking of opening a savings account for our little one for a while now. But tbh I am just overwhelmed by the choice, and I have no clue what will be the best option. Does anyone here have some good advice ? Please help 🙏
I’m currently working part time on minimum wage and can expect my SMP in April. However I’ve been offered a new job which pays well, I’m meant to start in December, it’s 6 months probation, so it means I wouldn’t even make to probation review as I’d need to leave in April and I would have to apply for maternity allo...
I've made dog snoods lol baby plush snuggles and stuffed animals
I been feeling blues lately and I need to find a hustle or hobbies that keep me busy
I am due to return to work in February after being on maternity. My partner and I are keen to try for our second child next year and wondered if anyone knew how long you had to return to work to be entitled for full maternity pay again?
Both me and my partner are working full time, have a big mortgage to pay and nursery fees are several hundred a month. By the time we pay all other bills we are scratching around each month. I know most people are struggling in this economic climate, rent and mortgages are so high as well as food shopping, council t...
I wanna get off welfare, I'm just so tired of the stereotyping. Like I have a job and am trying to get a better one I have had two or 3 jobs at once but am still on welfare. I did my recertification and the lady on the phone told me if I wasn't on the cash assistance program which pays half my rent in the new devel...
Currently on maternity leave and my partner is working, can we claim the weekly child benefit payment? When back at work, can we then use the tax free child care scheme and free hours? Wasn’t sure if you are allowed to use all of them or does the weekly payment stop you from being able to claim the tax free childcare
I’m in need of a WFH job so part time or full time and asap!!! We only have one car and my husband is using it for his job and things are so hard financially right now that I really need to work. But I need to work from home to be able to support and watch my son. What sucks is that we haven’t been approved for Medi...
I get paid monthly as I’m disabled. November was tight but I managed to pay all our bills, get our meds, fill up the car, and get groceries. I had a lil less than $8 left in the bank. Well I forgot about a subscription that was $6.99 and told my daughter to go ahead and get the game thing she wanted for $.99. Bc o...
Hey any nhs Scotland nurses (Grampian) know how the back dated pay works whilst on maternity pay ?
Hi everyone! How many days/weeks before your estimated due date are you planning to stop working? Thank you
Hi guys! I’m so broke right now and have a 9 month old but can’t work outside of home right now. Does anyone know what I can do? Any tips? Thank you!
Hey mamas, I’m applying for CAPS and Food Stamps and I’m trying to figure out the best way to get approved. My hours has refused to 15 hours so I’m thinking I should be okay. Is it best to submit a pay stub of an employment letter for income verification?