Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
34 weeks pregnant and feeling like baby may come early.. I would really like to put some boundaries in place for when baby is born such as i only want my partner in the hospital and i would like atleast a week untill visitors come to see baby.. maybe even longer depending on how i feel. my partner has no issue wit...
Looking for others who have experienced similar experience or just insight. This is my second time going through IVF. I have a 20 month old son from our first time but my beta results this time round seem to be nothing like my first. We had an our transfer December 5 transferring a 6AA embryo and our first beta draw...
This ain’t my test, she’s due on in two days what do u think?
Hey! I’m 11dpo today and I’m due on, on Tuesday 24th of December. I’ve had negative test today but for the passed 3 days my LH has been positive! which I’ve read up on and apparently picks up HCG but just wondering if this is the case then why my pregnancy tests aren’t picking it up.
How often to you bd in ovulation period! We have been trying awhile and only managed once this month 😩
Anyone hate being the default parent sometime? 😓
Hello all, any tips of how to make the blood thinning injections hurt less when injecting yourself?
Finally after 23 months of TTC!!! Started Letrozole last cycle so I think that did it! I also just got approval for IUI too😅🥰
Couldn't check until 20 minutes. I've had evap before on here but they normally thin. What do people think?
More pics in comments
Anyone ovulate early with 35 day cycles ? Like day 13 and not day 19-23?
Hi, I had my blood results and one of the results was Blood Group: B RH (D) positive. Can anyone tell me what this means, google has fried my brain
I couldn't check until after 20 mins. Test has a thick blue line. All my evaps in past are thin. Is this evap or positive?
So I had bleeding yesterday which filled a pad once but that was it. Today brown so took a test. Wasn't able to check test until about 20 minutes after. I have had evaps before but they normally thin this is thick and blue. Positive or evap?
Am I allowed runny eggs? I love them but heard you can’t then heard you can aslong as it has the red lion on it. Can’t remember from my first pregnancy, still got baby brain 😩🤦🏼♀️🤣
Hi! I’m curious to hear your all experience, I am finally doing my first transfer after three retrievals and they mentioned I have a small cyst. They told me to not worry because if hormones come back ok, everything moved forward. Is there anything else I should ask about this? Anyone gone through this experience? T...
Hi all.. I recently went back to work a week after having a miscarriage, thinking that I was needed and felt that I was doing them a favour (as I’ve always put my job first)…Yet found out, I wasn’t and the last 9 weeks I’ve been made to feel so shitty it’s unreal. I’ve currently got a plan in place with my clinic fo...
So I’m two days late, but I got a negative pregnancy test this morning
Im trying to make myself wait a couple more days before testing cause I know nothing will show up yet 🙈
I’ve done 3 pink dye tests now and they had two lines, but when I’ve done clear blues they are negative… so I’m confused