Community Posts, Tips & Support on Planning for a Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.

Stopping estrogen and progesterone as part of IVF

As part of my IVF process, I've been taking estrogen and progesterone medication and pessaries and have been told to just stop at 12 weeks. was wondering if anyone else has done this and if there were any effects? Thank you


Short luteal phase

So me and my partner have been ttc since June 1st 2024 after I came off the implant May 23rd 2024 (didn’t count the very first period after the removal) so it’s not been a year yet! However I’ve noticed my cycles have been irregular in terms of length and I’ve noticed after tracking temp and confirming ovulation tha...


Positive or no?

I took a pregnancy test this morning with my first pee. I've never had a test look like this before. Am I pregnant or no? My period isn't due for 6 days and the test is a dollar tree test so I don't know how accurate they are


Positive or no?

Took a pregnancy test this morning with my first pee. I never had a test that looked like this before. Am I pregnant or is it a evaporated line? My period isn't due for 6 days and that test is a dollar tree test and I don't know how accurate they are that early.


Don’t feel any different after FET

Hey, just looking for some advice or words of wisdom! I had a FET on Friday (5day embryo) but don’t feel any different at all at the moment. I’ve not had a frozen transfer take before, only fresh. Not sure if I’m supposed to feel any different this early?!


New to ovulation tests.

It’s my first month using ovulation tests (We aren’t TTC yet but trying to make sure my ovulation window matches up with the app I use to track my periods). According to my app, my fertile window only started yesterday and I’ve had a high reading this morning. According to my app, Friday is ovulation day. Do you...


PCOS advice…?

I got officially diagnosed with PCOS mid 2023 when we were trying for our last baby, lost weight got pregnant. Now baby is 9 months old and well… I got my after birth period at like 5weeks PP, all was fine and normal up until November… I had my period stop the very beginning of November and it didn’t come back until...


Did I time it right!? Promising???

What do we think about this graph and the symptoms? I had severe ovulation pain on my right side, then got EWCM, and then got an ovulation test that was positive! Then it went down a lot. I feel like we BD a lot so our odds are high! We’ve been TTC for almost 3 years… 2 failed IUIs and 2 IVF cycles that ended in mis...


Could anyone give me any advice?

I had the injection (contraction) in December which was my first ever one after previously being on the pill, I’m due my next one between march and may but I think I want to start trying for another baby and I really regret getting the injection because I know it can take ages for you body to get back to normal and ...


Deflated and Sad

How did you all navigate through your ttc journey? When the hope of conceiving is crushed with stark negative tests and AF? I feel like I'm becoming obsessive and extremely sad..cycle 4 atm.


Rhesus Negative

I am RH negative and my baby is RH positive, has anyone else had this? How did it affect your pregnancy? ☺️


Early positives

If you had one, when was it


40weeks +2

HELP! It’s time for baby to come out! Any tips?


Has anyone ever deconstructed a clear blue digital test?

It shows “not pregnant” but there are 3 blue lines (2 faint and one solid). I’ve been reading up and it suggests it could be early pregnancy but the sensor hasn’t detected it. Anyone experienced this?


Trying for second baby

How are everyones periods after first baby my cycles go from 25 days to 28 days. Been TTC now for 4 cycles and nothing. I never went back on pill after having my baby. Thinking of trying ovulation sticks again to check i’m ovulating when flo says i am 😩😩😩


Anyone else trying to be a Solo Mum?

I've been told I have a limited time in which to get pregnant and I'll need medical help. I'm not in a relationship, so beginning the process of IVF with a sperm donor. Is anybody else single?


Test at 6w 4d

Hi I found out I was pregnant at 3w 2d. I have been taking strips almost every day for peace of mind. Today, I got two tests that look like this- much lighter compared to all the other tests I’ve taken. Every other time I’ve tested the line is just as dark as the control. Anyone know what this could mean?


I’m winding myself up..

I should be 4 wks 4 days today. I decided to go and get another test today to check line progression and I squeezed out a wee when I got back home the two top tests are from Friday and the bottom one is from today. In person they are all pretty similar but I was kinda hoping the line would be getting darker. It’s st...


Trouble ovulating?

I’ve been taking an ovulation test every day in my fertile window and it keeps showing as negative even as it’s two days til I supposedly ovulate? Below is a basal thermometer chart. Do I need to talk to a doctor about if I have trouble ovulating?


4 weeks 4 days

And still testing every single day 😅 anyone else?


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