Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
Anyone still waiting patiently? Fed up with period like pain that does not evolve into labour 😭🥲
I have PCOS, but I am blessed with a son who is 2years old now. I was hoping that it would change something for the better in my body since I got pregnant. My husband and I have been trying for almost a year now and still nothing. Anyone with the same experience as me? Will I be able to have another one or My son ...
Just got my BFP today! 🥰 First time mama - How long does the cramping last? That was my first sign I thought I was pregnant… I have cramping in the middle of my uterus for a week now. TIA!
I just got my BFP yesterday at 4w. What do you do to pass the time?? I’m so anxious thinking of worse case scenario. We’ve been ttc for 1.5yrs, so my anxiety is super high thinking it will end in loss. Just need some good ideas to distract me! :)
Has anyone gone through ppd and how did you see the light at the end of the tunnel? How did you cope ?
Found out today! Going thru the motions, as a FTM with my now 22 month old it has been hard but I've learned so much. It wasn't "planned" but it was kinda like if it happens, it happens. Hopefully a girl so I don't have to buy new stuff 🤣. Some encouragement would be nice 🙂
How crazy would I be to get pregnant again so soon ? I have a 3 almost 4 year old from a previous relationship and now a 2 month old we know we for sure want at least one more and ideally I want to be done having kids before I’m 25. I just feel like it’s going to be hard no matter when it happens and I know it gets ...
How's everyone doing? How's your ttc journey going? Let's share and support one another in the hardest journey in the world xx
2nd cycle 1DPO, really hoping this doesn’t end in a chemical like last month! Anyone else 1DPO today? Baby dust to everything ✨🌈
Doctor’s recommended 6 WEEKS😭😭…Anyone started before? I really hate having to wait for my husband everytime I want to leave the house plus I also feel really bad😢😢
I don’t mean to be personal here but I’m trying to get pregnant with baby number 2 & was just wondering how long it took everyone to get pregnant? Is there any tips on how I can get pregnant quickly? What can I take or do?
My husband keeps delaying ttc, it's been three years now. He keeps saying he's not ready and feels anxious about it. I have tried everything to make him understand and nothing has worked. I have given him an ultimatum about leaving if he doesnt start trying and he has told me today he won't be changing his mind. He ...
I think I have peaked this afternoon? If we tried to conceive yesterday would it be best to try again on Friday or would it all be done by then? #GeneralTTC #1DPO
I have an 18 month old via a c section and only started trying this month. I'm in my mid-30s. When trying for the first, we fell pregnant without really trying but I don't know why this time around I feel like I'm going to struggle to conceive. Does anyone have any tips or things that have helped them?
First time posting but I find these posts helpful when I've been worried. I had a reassurance scan last Tuesday and everything was OK. On Saturday I started spotting and being a bank Holiday I couldn't see anyone. After 3 previous losses I had mentally prepared for the worst and rang epu this morning and luckily go...
AF arrived this morning I couldn’t help but ball my eyes out. This is our fourth cycle trying since our MC in October. This came after seeing a vvvfl at 9DPO which ended up being an evap line. Such a rollercoaster of emotions. Not to mention my closest cousin just announced her pregnancy to our entire family. This m...
AF due in 5 days, been trying for about a year! Stopped breast feeding 6 weeks ago on fertility specialist advice. Really want this cycle to be the one! But not feeling positive 😭
Remember to be kind to each other. We are all on our own journeys and no one knows the battles we are facing. This is the only app I have faced unpleasant comments to advice which was asked for.
Ttc is so heart breaking..I feel like I’m never going to have baby number too and it’s draining me mentally
Absolutely terrified, have missed my period this month. What is it like. Is your partner supportive? Do you get time to yourself? Do you have breakdowns more often???