So confused!

I’m officially a day late. I had what could possibly be implantation bleeding or a very very light and short period 6 days ago. I took a test yesterday afternoon and this morning but I don’t see anything. The last one is from this morning.
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When you say a short period did it last longer than a day? It could’ve just been a very short period. Go get a blood test! A lot of women don’t get a positive at home test

@Hannah it was like very minimal only 3 days. I only needed a liner but sometimes not even that. It was strange

The top blue dye is positive

It sounds like a light period but it could be implantation. If that was only a few days ago you could’ve ovulated and implanted later than usual. Which means your hcg isn’t high enough to detect on a home test yet! I’ve never had implantation bleeding but I have had a very light almost non existent period before! I’d wait a few days or go get a blood test!

@Em not necessarily. The blue dye tests are notorious for showing false positives. I had one that looked just like it last month and I wasn’t pregnant.

I see something on the blue line not the pinknxxxx

@Hannah I see, thank you I’m gonna wait a few days

@Hannah that’s definitely true they can but it’s still showing a positive line. It’s just a waiting game to see how it unfolds

@Em tbf the blue line test will be well outside of the 5 minute window now so that could be an evap line as the test has dried out

@Hannah @Sarah I know it could be false positive but also there’s same chance it could be a positive Iv had the same on these tests. Once a false positive and once a positive and both looked exactly the same. Photo doesn’t state how long the test was left before taking so I was just saying there is a line on the first one it is positive but will be a waiting game to see if a true positive xxx

@Em I agree!!!

@Hannah congratulations Hannah, and well deserved after the last test mucking you about! Xx

@Yog thank you!!!

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