This might be an over share but I'm so worried and need advice. I got sent this message by HR today

Dear Jordana It was lovely speaking to you last week. I hope you had a chance to think about what you would like to do. I just summarised below what spoke about. Usually, 8 weeks before a member staff is due back from maternity, they reconfirm that they will be back at school or if they have decided that they actually don’t want to come back to school after their maternity leave. The confusion came about when your maternity application form had the date 25/04/2025. Option A - You would come back on 10th June back to your full time role after your annual leave, work until the end of the summer term, be paid until 31st August and see you back in September for the New Autumn Term. Option B – If you wanted to leave and not come for September 2024 you would have handed in your one term notice period in by 22nd March 2024 to leave on 31st August 2024. You would come back in back from your annual leave on 10th June, work until the end of the summer term, be paid until 31st August and your last day of employment would be 31st August 2024. A notice period of one term is required if you wanted to resign and be paid until 31st August as written in your contract. However, Richard Berlie (Head) would like you to explore your options. Therefore, please have a think about what you would like to do. If you decide that you would like to go with Option B but cannot as there you will need to provide a terms notice and that is already late in the year then Richard will support you and will waiver your one term notice. What that means is you will come back on 10th June be paid until 31st August the date your contract ends. Richard is having to add an Option C which is Option B but includes that you don’t have to come back after annual leave or provide one term notice and be paid until 31 August the day your employment ends. If you decide Option A is better for you then the school would be happy with that decision as well. Please do let me know what you decide or if you have any queries by Tuesday 30th April 2024. Many thanks Malika
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What are you worried about?

I'm A teaching assistant and my bosses definitely want me gone my dilemma is should I go back somewhere I know I'm not wanted for the security as I work in a private school the money is not bad, I get loads of holidays Or do I take the 4 months paid leave and look for another job😑 I'm worried another job won't be as good as this one is with my baby, I'm scared I won't find a job at all. I've been with this place for ages and not great with change

I work in HR, they are using alot of words to basically say.. are you coming back to work or not. If u have decided to be a stay at mum 4 a bit then send ur resignation and tell them the date ur last day of employment will be. They just want to know what u are planning and u need to let them know.

@Jordana what we’re missing here is some context. Were you happy there before you went on maternity leave? Had you previously had any issues there?

Why do u think ur not wanted there? They are just trying to find out if ur going back to work or leaving so they can get cover etc. If ur going back just let them know that's what ur doing and enjoy the last bit of ur leave.

No there was a big problem whilst I was pregnant and I was thinking about suing because of how I was treated and I know they don't want me back because previously they have offered me redundancy that I turned down and they've told me I can leave with out paying back my maternity leave and plus with 4 months pay which is not something my company would do.

@Leanne no they are not because I have told them many times that I am coming back. I've told them that I've got a child mind lined up And I'm ready to come back to work. I'm worried that I give up the 4 months of pay and go back to my workplace and they find some other way to get me out and it puts me in a worse position

OK I get you now. Sadly, if they are trying to push u out, there is not much u can do. Depending on the details u could take them to tribunal for discrimination (pregnancy related) but it's hard to prove. Sadly it's a gamble, do u go back and hope its settles down or agree to leave now or in Sept and start looking for another job. Risk either way.

When u say 'they said u can leave without paying back maternity' I assume its enhanced not SMP snd it's contractual that if u don't return to work u would have to repay the enhanced part. Otherwise they are talking rubbish. SMP and even most enhanced maternity pays u don't have to pay back if u leave. And its really hard to enforce a policy that forces u to pay back money already given. Its costs them loads to try and take u to a small claims court for money owed and most companies never do it cos of the paperwork and cost, they just send a load of offical 'pay us back or else' letters.

If you’re not happy with how they’ve treated you then personally I would take the pay and look for another job. Schools always need teaching assistants so I don’t think you’d struggle. If you’re right and they do want you gone then neither you nor them will be happy when you return and who needs that stress?! That said, if you do want to return and they’re not being supportive of that then contact Pregnant When Screwed. Good luck!

There is so many TA vacancies at the moment. I wouldn't worry about finding a new TA role to be honest

@Daphne You're right and I've even got an interview tomorrow which I really wasn't expecting

@Jordana I hope you got the role offered to you :)

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