Cows milk

Looking into starting to transition my 11 month old baby to cows milk and I don’t really know where to start. Looking for all of the tips and advice. My baby drinks 4 bottles of formula per day right now 5oz x3 and then a 7oz at bedtime as well as three meals everyday. I’ve heard the easiest way to go is to start to slowly mix the cows milk with the formula and increase the amount of cows milk every couple of days so this is what I will start to do but I’m wondering if you’ve begun this process or have already gone through it, did you continue this in a bottle or switch to a cup? If so what kind? My baby uses a straw cup with meals for water and a bottle 4x a day, I’m not sure he’d be ready to give up the bottle completely as he’s not really been that interested when I tried to give some formula in his straw cup previously. Any comment is helpful thanks everyone :)
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Hey! I still breast feed during the day but we were doing a bottle of formula at night. We just transitioned that to cows milk and I mixed it the first 2 nights but now it's straight cows milk. No issues at all! We still just do water from the sippy cup at meals and milk in a bottle 😊

I put cows milk in a bottle because I need her to actually drink it! It took us two days to switch . I just alternated between formula and milk the same amount I was topping up for breastfeeding. No issues.

With my first girl I starting giving her small sips when she was 11 months. I mixed a bit with formula and she drank it all up without problem. So the next day I just took a risk and gave her a bottle of whole milk and she had problem again. I finished the few cases of formula we had because I didn't want to waste them but mainly she was on cows milk by 12 months which was such a relief from buying expensive formula 😅

@Preeti this is very helpful! Did you continue just giving her bottles of the formula/milk mix and transitioned to cups at a later time? My LO has his bottles separate from meals still 3x and then one before bed but I’ve started offering the milk mixed with formula in a straw cup at meals instead of water and he is NOT interested in the cup of milk whatsoever lol yesterday he only drank 12oz of milk for example from his usual 24oz so I gave him a bottle of milk at bedtime instead of trying to the cup again

My girl didn't give up her bottle closer to 2 years😅 I know all professionals say give it up at 12 months but some babies are just more attached to their bottles than others. As for now, just focus on transitioning to cows milk and worry about bottle to cup transition later in a few months. I feel like changing both milk and cup would be too much of a change at once. Tackle the milk situation for now and we'll cross the other bridge (cup transition) when we reach it!

I wish I knew that they can have cow milk at this stage I thought I had to wait till they are 12 month . Yesterday I realized I ran out of formula late night I was too tired but drove to a 24 hour open shoppers to buy 😩 And I have cow milk in the fridge 🙂

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