We conceived our first little one within the first cycle. This time round we have been trying since November and nothing yet. I think there's lots of factors that could be influencing for us - I have PCOS, I'm still breastfeeding twice a day, overweight, etc but in essence every woman is different and every pregnancy is different I guess? It may be worth trying ovulation sticks like Hayley said or if you're really worried seeing the GP to have your hormones checked. I am with you though on feeling anxious and disappointment when aunty Flo makes her appearance! Easier said than done but try not to stress about it and make sure you are nourishing yourself both physically and mentally x
It’s normal. My 1st got pregnant straight away. 2nd got pregnant straight away but ended in early miscarriage..took 6 months to get pregnant again. 3rd took so much longer
Have you tried using ovulation sticks?