MIL thinks I’m lazy

My MIL has been complaining to my husband that I don’t do anything around the house (I live with her) I’m only living with her because she’s divorced and my hubby has always funded majority of the house because she wouldn’t be able to afford to live alone so if we moved out she wouldn’t be able to survive off her own wage. Before falling pregnant I literally did everything and I’ve only stopped because I’m tired and I know when baby is here I won’t have time to relax so I’m trying to get time to relax in now Her comments have really pissed me off because I wouldn’t even be here if she could afford to fund for herself instead of relying on us the least she can do is cook 1 meal a day
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She’s ridiculous calling someone names when she can’t even support herself. Your kids shouldn’t have to support you when they’re grown and trying to have families themselves. When I was near the end of my pregnancy(we moved out when baby was 3 months old) I also stopped doing “my” set of chores and my husband did them because my pregnancy got a little complicated near the end.

Just tell her calmly, "Look, this is the only time I will get before the baby arrives to not have to chase the clock, and then I'm going to be busy forever. I'm going to go slow right now because I can, and that's just what I need. The house is going to be fine." No need to rub the financial situation in her face.

Put her in a home😅 jk did your husband stand up for you? She has no right to speak bad towards you especially since you’re pregnant! It’s not easy

"I grew an eyeball from scratch today. What have you done?"

One word: ENTITLED

Ironically my mum used to complain the same about my sil. Think it depends on context ie not washing up after meals and generally sharing the cleaning (with all three of you).

Maybe sit her and your partner down (pre warn and talk to him before hand so he knows) Say your getting more tired and its important you rest now. If you can make a schedule where everyone who lives in the house has a day of cooking dinner and one of tidying the house (maybe they get 3 days and you 1) Say this would also help for when the baby comes because you will need to heal and focus on the baby Once the newborn stage is over you can look to change the schedule so its a bit more fair? If she kicks up a fuss say if she doesnt want to contribute to the household,would she rather leave and look elsewhere

Girl put her in her place. She just needs to be humbled real quick. Sometimes people forget and get besides themselves but I have no problem gently reminding them of their place.

The problem is you’re living in HER house. If she’s going to be living with you until she dies, I would be telling my husband he needs to buy ME a house asap. MIL would then be moving in with YOU in YOUR house. Not the other way around. House is dirty? Welp it’s my house so stfu

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