Advice While TTC

Hey there! It’s been 2 years and some change of my husband and I TTC. It’s been very lonely and I’m feeling unsure of myself. I spent 6 months on Clomid (made me go crazy) and although I ovulated we were unsuccessful so we switched me over to Letrozole and so far so good. But when I talk to my OB and I feel not heard. I’ve had my overies checked, husbands sample checked everything looked amazing! I get my progesterone checked every 21st day of my cycle as per usual but I want more monitoring, I asked my OB for more and she gave me a funny look…maybe get my nutrition levels checked? Is there any more I can do. To see maybe what the cause is? I’m feeling like I’m starting to give up.. My dr Isn’t listening, and I have no family/ friends who are going through what I’m going through.. Any advice would be amazing please..
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Have they checked your thyroid and prolactin levels?? Also, if it's an option, I would look into a different Dr. I was TTC for a few years with no reason as to why I wasn't getting pregnant and the Dr's weren't listening to me, then I tried a different Dr and he did a lot of tests on me, and my prolactin levels were elevated so I was referred to an endocrinologist for further testing, and he gave me medicine to lower my prolactin levels and an extremely small dose of medicine for my thyroid cause it went from perfect range to borderline high, and after I started that I ended up getting pregnant to my now 5 month old baby. Definitely advocate for yourself. Sending baby dust your way ❤️

Both prolactin and thyroid came back good.. I’m thinking about it.. it’s really hard to get a new dr when she prescribes my meds and it took me 4 and a half months to get set up and start seeing her..

It's been a while of TTC for my husband and me, and I totally understand wanting to know what’s going on inside in terms of hormone levels and ovulation. Fertility monitors can be really helpful. I’ve been using Inito, which gives actual hormone levels and predicts high fertility, peak fertility, and confirms ovulation. It’s helped me understand my cycles much better. The testing is easy and only takes about 10 minutes to get results. Hope this helps, and good luck!

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