@Heather isn’t it that after a peak you ovulate after 12-24 hours? I haven’t had a peak yet so should I keep testing?
@Heather I’m not sure how the BBT testing works
The app doesn't always pic up the colours but those cd16/17 look positive
@Heather so will I have a chance if we do it tonight tomorrow and the day after? x
Yeah, best thing to do is to have sex every 2/3 days to keep a "supply" there ready to meet the egg x
@Heather okay thank you, our first come as a shock so to be honest I didn’t even know anything about ovulation and stuff like that x
Some people can have high readings for a few days, its not until it goes down back to negative tests that you've found a peak so keep going
Have a go with BBT! X
@Robyn how do I do that? x
Yes that's what should happen but there's no way of knowing by the tests if you've ovulated You're best off charting your BBT alongside testing