@Desiree I’m going to have to start looking for that and waiting! Cause I have no money or time to buy/locate ovulation tests. I’ve been trying since the end of May with no luck
We had been trying since January and I wasn’t ovulating until may we started tracking by discharge in June and I got pregnant unfortunately it ended in a miscarriage but that’s how we’ve been doing it! I don’t want to spend money on pointless ovulation test when you can go by the discharge it’ll look like a mucus plug but creamy and white. Once you start having it you have three days where you are most fertilize but as long as you have the discharge you can go by it and don’t worry if you see it the following month you might still be pregnant! That’s what happened with us!
Go by your discharge! It’s weird but I’ve been fighting not ovulating and I had creamy and mucus discharged kinda like a mucus plug so I called my doctor and they said it was me finally ovulating after not for six months we tried for two cycles just based off of it and got pregnant!