Fear of testing?

Anyone else faced repeated disappointment to the point that they’re almost too afraid to test?! It’s 15dpo and AF is due today (but absent…so far) and I’ve got a myriad of symptoms that could either be my period, or pregnancy. And I just can’t bring myself to test. I’m scared of another no. I’m scared of the crushing disappointment. But I’m equally scared of a +ve that could change my life and how I even begin processing that😭 much as I’ve been longing and dreaming of it. So here I am, stuck in denial limbo and clinging onto every tiny little niggle and symptom in blind hope! Just wondering if I’m the only one not racing to a pregnancy test in the 2WW!!
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Im the same after all symotoms thinking I am and getting a faint positive on a strip test and now nothing don't dare to test on a digital as I've had a few negatives

@Laura its impossible tough, right?! I think we all underestimate just how huge a toll this takes on us emotionally and mentally. Repeated no’s are so rough 😭

@Becki most certainly

I totally understand how you feel! The good thing is, a test at this stage in your cycle is very likely to give you a reliable result. And ultimately the end result doesn’t change regardless of if you test now or in a week’s time. You’ve got this 💗

🙋🏼‍♀️me today. On month 7 of trying and am anxious about taking the test tomorrow. Last month I took one the day after my period was due, got a negative, and then my period came two hours later. I just felt like I should have waited longer.

Me 💕

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