I did mine on my own with my first baby and then discussed my options with the midwife 🙂
Also it’s not a case of there’s a best option, it’s what feels like the right things for you and your baby. I’d keep it nice and fluid x
Iv been wondering the same thing. I have an idea on mine already and have this template which I really liked https://static1.squarespace.com/static/559d04dbe4b0853d3bb2e832/t/5ab142f5aa4a991774c143e0/1521566453566/Completed+sample+copy.pdf
We discussed at 36 weeks. Didn’t fill anything out though, think she typed some stuff on computer maybe
I would say don't get too hung up on it, it's more your preferences than a plan. Not a lot went how I planned with my son. As my midwife told me on Monday, babies can't read so they aren't aware of our plans
I filled mine in with my midwife, she went through everything in detail even though I pretty much knew what I wanted as this is my second baby. We started it when I was 34 weeks and completed it at my last appointment (36 weeks)