How soon can you have sex and try for another baby

I recently went in labour and had my little boy at 16 weeks pregnant.. most hardest thing I've ever had to go through.. is it bad to say I'd like to try for a baby straight away as apparently most fertile now still after giving birth at any point in pregnancy... I normally can't get easily pregnant so I'd like to try now and take advantage of that chance If it's true you can easily get pregnant right after... xx
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I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this!! It’s heartbreaking but I completely understand your feelings on wanting to try again for baby number two 💔 I had a stillborn at 23 weeks this feb, and all I wanted to do was try again for our rainbow baby!! It’s completely normal, and it’s okay to feel like that and still grieve the loss of your little boy. It took us 18 months to conceive our first born so thought it would take just as long this time! We conceived in June after the February and I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant with our rainbow 🌈 Always here if you need to talk to someone, sending my love 💙💙

I asked my OB if it is true that we are more fertile immediately after birth and she said no, same odds as ever. However, I had a first trimester miscarriage and was pregnant again within 40 days. From experience, I would say this could be true. Research also says women are more likely to become pregnant again within 3 months of a miscarriage, as opposed to those who wait longer but it isn't clear to me whether this is an increase in fertility or just pure determination lol Good luck! 🌈

Why would you just jump into that… have some tests done to make sure you can even carry a baby…. This happened to my cousin and the doctor advised her not to try because of some test she had done and she did and her child has so many disabilities 🥺Please be mindful and think things through… and maybe grieve your 16 week pregnancy…

You have all those hormones running through you and without your baby, of course you want to try again! You still have that urge to have your baby. If you’re in the UK, we are still waiting for results as to why it has happened! 5 months on! We were told to keep trying, but it’s completely up to you and when you feel ready.

@Jonna Kavanagh Her post was not asking for opinions...more for informative advice and maybe encouragement. I am sure that after an event like OP described, a medical team looked into things and didn't find anything of concern for future pregnancies. Please be mindful of judgmental sounding responses.

@Jonna Kavanagh I'm grieving so much .. I can barely sleep because I feel emptiness inside my belly now when my baby boy should have still been in there.. I can't explain how badly I want to try for another baby it hurts a lot, and I do truly believe it will fill this empty feeling. I know some won't understand, and that's okay. This is just me. I have nothing wrong with me my baby was fine. Until I had an accident and was injured and on the very same day I went in labour ( very crazy story and day)

I think you should ask your doctor if it's safe for you. It might be safe. But you did have a pregnancy and they recommend to let your body heal between pregnancies.

It depends on what kind of delivery you had. If it was a C-section, then I think the minimum to wait is 6 months before getting pregnant again. I would talk to your OB about it and get their advice. So sorry for your loss 💔

I don't think it is terrible. Trying to start a family is no joke. Yes of course miscarriages are devastating but I'm 26w pregnant and I KNOW there is a viable baby in there and feel him moving - but I'm not swelling up with love and thinking of him as a person yet. Different people connect with babies at different stages of development, so while one person might be mourning the loss of a soul lost at 6w (when most people have no clue they're pregnant) others cannot imagine a baby until it is born. I think the aim is to successfully bring a baby into the World and it is a mission involving potential loss. Do I think it is terrible to remain on mission mindset and not prioritise grief over creating a family - nope. I think it is probably pretty normal. I'd pass it by my doctor and see what they say health wise is all.

So sorry to hear this was caused by an accident. That is gutting. Sending you support and strength.

You don't need to fall apart to prove you are sad.

I would say to just wait until your body is healed from your recent labor and once it is, try again ASAP! I've heard that you are more fertile after giving birth but I've also heard it was a wives tale, so I'm not sure what to believe on that. But as soon as you are physically and mentally ready to try again, do it girl! Sending you love and support!

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