
Has anyone ever not had a surge day? I have been doing my daily ovulation testing, waiting to get a happy face on the test. I have not gotten anything. This would be my 4th month of tracking to have another round of IUI. I am trying not to worry, but I'm concerned. Could I be having issues with ovulating?
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What cycle day are you on? I have PCOS so i dont ovulate on my own and was prescribed Letrozole. Have they done anything in previous IUIs like progesterone blood test to confirm ovulation?

So I am 14 days since my period ended. I have been ovulating naturally each month and consistently around the same days for the past 4 months. My progesterone levels tested at 18 when I first started, so the doctor did not put me on anything.

Its posssible for you to get your peak soon. I had several days of blank circle and then on cd13, i got a solid smiley face. So it is possible

Thanks, Patrice. This is good to know. The nurse at the doctor office is having me come in this morning to do a progesterone blood test.

You're welcome. Keep me updated. I would think that they would do a scan just to see if you have any dominant follicles and at what size they are

They haven't mentioned anything else yet. I will keep you updated


There is no update yet. I will on Friday as I have an appointment with my doctor.

I have my bloodwork appt tomorrow because im a week late for AF

I'm praying for good news for you. I will let you know what next steps my doctor wants to do.

Thank you. Praying that you get some answers soon

Update - After meeting with my doctor, we are going to do an ultrasound sound mid cycle and will do a trigger shot

Thats awesome! Fingers crossed for you. I had my bloodwork done and it looks like i ovulated later than detected so my doc stated that i should expect my period in a week which will be in 5 days. If still no period, then i have to ring them up again

Praying everything happens on time for you.

Thank you. Welp AF decided to show right now. So now onto IVF!

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