Losing hope :(

I know it’s just 8 days after ovulation, but I’m starting to think I was not successful! When did everyone get a positive pregnant test ! X
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You're not out until af comes my friend got her bfp at 15dpo 2 days late I got mine at 7dpo so everyone is different

Implantation most commonly happens 8-10dpo so you're very early yet!

I’m just getting all the symptoms and I felt pregnant!!

My boobs heart and feel different this morning !

Give it time your hcg levels if your pregnant are probably still far too low to be picked up yet

Boobs hurting was the first sign for me at 7dpo, but didn't get a positive til 11dpo. You aren't out until AF arrives though.

I know it's really hard but the early pregnancy symptoms are the same as the symptoms caused by progesterone after you ovulate. Try and wait a good few days before testing again, closer to 12 dpo if you can as that result will be far more likely to be true. Fingers crossed for you

I never had these symptoms before tho and this is my second cycle of trying xx

I think the symptoms are similar to pms but you know what is normal for you or not. I never get sore boobs and they were sore, bigger, larger & darker nipples and the only other time this happened I was pregnant with my first so I knew I was pregnant when it happened again. It isn't definite but 🤞🏼 for you

I know this isn’t for everyone, but I’m learning more about manifestation atm. I have found myself totally losing hope and it’s something that’s consumed me for the past few months. Whether manifestation actually changes anything, it’s helped me feel more positive and in control whilst we wait and hope for a positive/start the conversation around treatment. I wish you all the luck and hope xx

@Rachel I am also trying manifestation. but I feel so hopeless ...as nothing isn't working is what I feel. And also some fertility coaches tell mental blocks. I am really not understanding why life is so unfair

With my first, I was just tracking periods in an app so not exactly sure when I ovulated but I didn't test until I was 15ish DPO and only had first symptom a couple of days prior. I was so convinced I wasn't going to get pregnant (it was our first month "trying" - or rather casually discussing it would be cool to have a baby) that I was sure it was indigestion and didn't even bother testing until I was a couple of days late 😅 But definitely no unusual symptoms until quite late! Doesn't seem to be as easy the 2nd time around though and I'm in a similar boat as you right now! X

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