Asking Doctors for medicine for TTC

Hi there so a bit of background. I was loosely diagnosed with ‘possible PCOS’ last year - I wasn’t at the time TTC it was just that my periods became really infrequent. All my bloods came back normal but a scan showed some cysts hence the loose diagnosis. In the last 6 months I have been TTC but it’s been hard as my periods have been irregular. I’m currently on cycle day 88 although have had 2 lots of spotting (or extremely light period 🤷🏽‍♀️) within this cycle. I live in the UK and will be having a doctors appointment next week. I’m wondering whether to ask for some medicine to help get my periods more regular and maybe some ovulation meds too so it’s a bit easier to conceive. Is this something they could offer me? Is it worth it? Will they even allow me to have meds? I’ve been told before that the possible PCOS diagnosis is probably due to my weight so have been losing weight and am going to continue losing weight just because it will obv help with a safer pregnancy. It just doesn’t help being 4foot11 so my BMI is around 40 currently. I’m 28 and already have a 3.5 year old. But we are totally ready for another baby now. Any advise or tips to mention to the doctor at all is so welcome 🙏
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They don’t usually diagnose until there’s a few different things, as it’s a metabolic syndrome. If you have other symptoms like hirtuism or anything then mention that to them too. They will just focus on losing weight but it’s way more complex than that. Pcos and trouble losing weight can be linked to insulin resistance so really important to focus on diet that aligns itself to rebalancing hormones. Things like low fat and 0% fat can also mess with it. I had good success on lots of protein, full fat products (milk/dairy) and taking metformin. I had to be referred to a specialist to have metformin though, and even then my periods were v irregular and I wasn’t ovulating all the time. In the 15 months it took to get pregnant, I only ovulated 8 times in that time. Good luck xx

@Laura this is so helpful to know thank you ❤️ I don’t have any other symptoms of PCOS other than the cysts shown on scan and the irregular periods/long cycles. So I do think my doctor will just mention the weightloss. TBH I’ve only started on a weightloss journey in the last few weeks - I’ve lost 1 stone now and I definitely know I need to lose more. I’ve not had any trouble losing weight so not sure the link with insulin is much of an issue for me. Probably just need to keep losing and then my periods will return to some normal pattern. That’s good to know you had to go through a specialist for Metformin. I wonder if I’ll be referred to a gynaecologist for fertility help or maybe just told to keep losing weight! Thanks so much for your help and quick response Laura x x

I was in a very similar situation to you. Had a lose diagnoses before TTC as had long irregular cycles and then once we started trying I pushed for more investigations. I showed cysts on an ultrasound scan so with the irregular cycles that was enough for a diagnoses. My GP had to refer me to the fertility clinic where we did some more tests before they put me on Clomid (side note, Clomid was awful and didn’t work). I eventually ended up doing injectable gonadotropins to stimulate my ovaries and a trigger shot to trigger ovulation. Got pregnant with twins after third round of that. It was a long 2.5 years! I’d recommend what others have said re lots of protein in diet and look into an inositol supplement such as Inofolic Alpha. Certain exercise can help with hormone balance too, anything is better than nothing. Good luck! It’s really hard I know.

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