I always assume that I ovulate the day after the peak
You hit your peak yesterday which means ovulation occurs today. You usually get the progesterone level test around 6-7 days after ovulation
Just confirming- in the tab at the top are you logging under “other” and not the “easy@home” or “PreMom” tabs as you aren’t using those brand strips?
@Amie I’ve been using the Areta brand so yes I’m logging them under “other” 🙂
@Patrice Thank you! I better schedule my lab work then.
@Tara Thank you, that’s good to know
@Lisa Thank you! I thought it was odd I didn’t get the “high” reading.
You hit your peak yesterday but actual peak could have been hours before or after your test, which is why some women test a few times a day around cd13-17. Ovulation occurs ~8-20hrs after peak.