Yes have a 9 year old and 13 month old. Been actively trying for the last 3 months but started beginning the year and it's so hard and depressing when my period arrives. 😕
Yes I am 37 - been actively trying for 18 months for first with zero success. Have unexplained infertility so going through IUI cycles at the moment. The TTC process is definitely not an experience I would wish on anyone. But to test your egg reserve you can do the AMH test which is done via blood test and doesn’t cost a lot. It won’t tell you their quality- only how many you have left.
We've been trying for maybe 10 months and it SUCKS every time my period comes. It really doesn't help my emotions when I keep having pregnancy symptoms and then period. 😭 good luck!
We have tried for the past 3 years for #2. I'm 29 & going to take BC for 3 months, stop, & while doing this I am healthy/ my spouse is healthy, we are eating right, drinking no dark soda/ dark drinks & daily vitamins for us. Will this work? This is how we got pregnant with our first. You wouldn't think 🤔 let me go on birth control first, but this is a cheap & effective way to balance your hormones. I'll update ASAP but I do doubt with our issues TTC prior (3 years) to have our first.. I have low expectations lol 🫣 don't give up! But also, you do know your body & I am right here among all the 1-4 who struggle with fertility.
Fertility does start to rapidly decline after 35, unfortunately, considering so many women wait longer these days to build their career and have a stable income to comfortably support their LOs. I personally struggled to get pregnant in general. My husband and I stopped using birth control after we got engaged (we figured we were getting married soon, so who cares! Lol) we had to try all the fertility treatments under the sun. Tests, pills, diet / lifestyle changes, eventually did two rounds of IUI which were unsuccessful. Then we moved into IVF, which thank god, worked on the first embryo transfer! I was 35 at that time. Then, ironically enough, we didn’t think I could get pregnant naturally, so after my daughter was born we didn’t even think about using any kind of birth control, and after only 3.5 months, I got pregnant again! So now my two kids are only 13 months apart!
But man…that TTC process is so hard. For us we tried for over 4 years until I finally got pregnant Especially watching everyone around you getting pregnant and having babies. It almost makes you resentful. They don’t understand, you feel like there’s no one to talk to… but there’s always someone who’s been there. Feel free to message me if you need someone to vent to! I’m a good “listener”
Yea 5 years and counting.
We were struggling for 6 years without a reason, im currently 35, it has been a humbling experience of my personal wants and wishes vs reality. If you struggle for months over 35, you can go to GP and get a referral for tests.