
I gave birth to my baby girl on Monday so she’s now 3 days old and I’m a first time mum. Don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely besotted by her and love being in this little bubble and my partner is absolutely amazing. I know a little anxiety is normal but I feel like I’m worrying about whether I’m doing everything right, despite reading into every little thing. The main one being her feeding, we’re bottle feeding so I know its expected for a newborn to have 1-2oz every 3ish hours which she does most of the time but if she is ever off with a feed e.g. doesn’t drink that much/drinks too much or if she wants another feed after an hour, I’m just overthinking everything! Another thing is that as soon as it gets to night time, my anxiety is even worse and I have no idea why. Anyone else like this?
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YES! My boy is 8 days old and I FEEL YOU. We are in the trenches but I tell you the difference between day 3 and day 8 is insane. I’m still anxious but when he feeds a little less than 2oz I’m not so nervous, I leave him a little longer to sleep and wake him up around the 4 hour mark and he guzzles 2oz perfectly. Find what works for you two! If she’s eating, burping, peeing and pooping she is HEALTHY and you’re doing amazingly mama. Night anxiety literally just fades with time - or as I found it, with exhaustion. My boy is bottle fed so I give him a dummy at nights (long as he is at least 2 hours away from his next feed), leave a fan on facing away from him in the background and make sure there’s no loose blankets or anything loose in his crib. I sleep lightly still because I’m so anxious and any fuss he makes wakes me up, but I’m SLEEPING which is better when we first came home and I made my partner pull shifts with me and check him regularly because I just couldn’t. It gets better 💕

Hai, yes its normal to feel a bit anxious. My baby boy is 1 week 5 day old. I get you i have been there. My baby takes in around 2-3oz per feed every 2-3ish hours. It’s normal for them to not finish their bottle always and wanting and bit more at times. You are doing everything right. It gets easier with the passing days.

I feel you and it gets easier. I’m doing this alone and drove myself absolutely crazy for the first couple of weeks but she is now 5 weeks old (she came early) and thriving. Be kind to yourself and try to relax. Sometimes they will take the entire bottle and other times they won’t. My girl is on 120ml every 3-4 hours but sometimes she will want more and other times she will only have 80. Just give her what she wants when she wants it and you’ll be fine ❤️

Totally normal to feel this way! (And for feeds to be all over the show) For reassurance, I’m on my second baby and I overthink everything at night too!

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