Feeling super anxious! 😕 Natural Birth Vent

So this is my third baby. My first I was in my early twenties and had a hospital birth with pitocin and epidural. I hated it so my second I elected an at home birth. It was the most beautiful experience ever! I was able to drink tea, eat oatmeal and just relax with my meditation music. I am now considered “high risk “ bc of my age but I , thank God, haven’t had any major issues (no swelling, no nothing except for a big belly)! With that said, I explained to my doctor I am okay with having the baby at the hospital but I want it to be as natural as possible. If something happens then intervention is welcomed but I don’t want to immediately go to that. Anyway my blood pressure has been elevated the last two visits and she immediately told me if my BP keeps going up they need to send me to the hospital for an evaluation and induce me. I understand this but also it’s not high it’s just elevated in the 120’s early 130’s. All pregnancy it was normal. I also do not have protein in my urine which is a pre-eclampsia sign. Long story short, she also mentioned if all is well she would like to induce me on the 20th two days before my due date bc she can tend to me completely. I asked her about induction she mentioned pitocin and I said I don’t want that, she said it’s the same hormone your body produces. Then she says if you need an epidural we can do that. I’m thinking is this lady crazy?! Did she not hear me say I don’t want medication or intervention of any kind. This is honestly making me stressed out and probably contributing to my BP issues as well. I don’t know how she seems to be ignoring my desires… any advice on this. It’s been 11 years since my last baby so I’m anxious as it is and this woman is so nonchalant about medicines. She even wanted me to take unisome, a sleep aid to help me… what is wrong here ?! 😣
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I’m in agreement with you in regard to wanting the least amount of medicines/interventions. I’d continue to stand my ground as none of these practices are law, and only suggestions and/or hospital policy. At the end of the day you have full control. I hate that hospitals and doctors try to enforce their own opinions so much so it comes off a little intimidating. But yea, I’d say continue making it clear what you want! I love that.

I’ve been in the same situation for the past few weeks except for doctors have been pushing for me to get a c-section due to elevated blood pressure. I also have been getting labs done multiple times a week to check for preeclampsia and I’ve been in the clear. The pressure they put on us at these appointments aren’t helping lower our blood pressures thats for sure!

@India thanks Sis! I will. I have an appointment this morning and unless im in grave danger, I’m going to let this baby come naturally bc I feel if I have too much pressure I’ll put me and my little baby in even more stress knowing it’s by force.

@Ki wow! These doctors are something else. I say let’s do what India suggested above and just wait them out

Quick and happy update: I went to the doctor Friday and stuck to my guns about not scheduling an induction and she was looking so confused lol. I told her, I rather wait. She said well I’m just considering your age; you’re making me nervous that you are going “rogue!!” Like what ?! She further went into saying “she will not be on call on my due date so she wanted to get it scheduled to make sure she delivered my baby. ATP I don’t even want her there bc she doesn’t listen so I told her well it’s not a problem I’ll just let whoever is on call be with me, since I met the whole staff of doctors for that exact reason. You can tell she is Not used to anyone exerting their rights nor is she used to doing things without intervention. I felt so powerful. I know how to birth I did it 2x before! 🥰🥰

@Patrice Love this!

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