Gestation diabetes test results

I had my gd test on Tuesday. And they said the results will come back in about 3 days. And they will contact me if I have gd, if I hear nothing, it’s good news. So I was expecting to know by today if I was positive. I had a look on my pregnancy notes and the results are back but it says I have an impaired glucose tolerance. What does this mean?
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Looks like your blood glucose actually went down after the drink which would be unusual, hence why they're making a referral

@Charley is that not normal? Is it supposed to be higher? What does that actually mean 😂

So I think it’s means that your levels are generally higher than normal, but not high enough for a diagnosis of GD. Essentially, your body should process the sugar and it would be out of your blood by the 2nd test (which is why your result is lower), but it may mean that you overalls levels are slightly raised

@Ellie yes normally your blood glucose would be slightly higher on the 2nd test, as the first test you're fasted and the 2nd test is after you've had a large amount of sugar.

Sooo you may have what I have- literally just had a call as mine was the same- they told me it was called reactive hypoglycaemia. I’m honestly none the wiser and apparently no harm to baby. May not be the same as me but that’s what they said. Referring me to a specialist to speak to but midwife said it’s about eating small meals more often xxx msg me if that helps x

@Laura I obviously had a google about what the results meant and read about this👆🏻 I think it seems most likely because it’s when your body produces too much insulin which converts the sugar in your blood and that’s what causes low blood sugar after you’ve eaten. It said low blood sugar was rare if you’ve not got diabetes and taking insulin, And the reasons for low blood sugar if not diabetic was -malnutrition (definitely not malnourished😂), - a disease of your adrenaline glands that causes you to underproduce adrenaline (I’m a bag of nerves sometimes, definitely not underproducing😂) - and tumours on your pancreas. So definitely think it’s just reactive hyperglycaemia, but I’m curious to see what they say about it because it says I am being referred. How soon after your gd test did they ring you?

Oooh you have got further than me on google! So if it’s the reactive hypoglycaemia we don’t need to worry about the other stuff you mentioned I.e malnutrition etc? I’m the same as you on that front defo don’t malnourished and anxiety keeps my adrenaline high 😂 obvs I’m not worried about pancreas tumours! I was in yesterday and got the call today but they did say that was because they do the test in house or something.. I’d maybe ring your cm and see if they can tell you when you might expect a referral and what this means as it’s seems unfair of them not to say! Xxx

@Laura I don’t think so, I think it’s saying the causes of hypoglycaemia are one or the other. Oh so you got called when they got your results. Yeah I should have had a call today if I had gd because they have my results on the system. So I thought maybe they might mention it at my next midwife appointment. But you’ve had a call so I’m not sure haha. Should I ring up or should I just wait to bring it up with my midwife? I’m in an awkward position atm because I’ve changed gp so I’ve been given a new midwife and haven’t met her yet and I don’t have any contact details for her yet either

@Ellie ah okay that makes sense! Yeah I literally had the test yesterday and they rang today but the appointment with the hormone people isn’t till the end of oct so I reckon that’s what your referral is for. When your next appt? Do you have the a general cm email or anything that you could message and see if anyone could explain your results a bit more? Or maybe contact the antinatal clinic directly where you had it and see if they can get anyone to call you back? Xx

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