What's your current hemoglobin level?
@Keerthivasini it's at 4 and I'm 30 weeks pregnant at the moment
4 is too low.. you really need iron transfusion. Please check your ferritin level as well
I’m sorry the midwives are not taking it more seriously! I also have anemia but I found out not all iron supplements work. What worked for me was Floradix iron + blood builder + eating lots of spinach/iron-rich foods. Definitely get your iron up to prevent hemorrhaging. I wish I took my iron levels more seriously my first pregnancy
Speak with your ob or stress your concerns and tell the midwives you want something to be done. There’s only so much midwives can do - obviously annoying as they can refer and advocate too and should be. If your iron levels are too low you can get an iron transfusion which will help. I was anemic before and during pregnancy - took double my iron tablets as directed by my dr and my prenatals for my whole pregnancy and they didn’t do anything for my iron levels. I had an iron transfusion and it helped tremendously.