@Barbara honestly I pay for flo and ovulation app that I got with my strips on Amazon which I’ve only been testing last week due to being advised against ovulation strips with PCOS but over 2 years trying now I’m getting desperate to get things right 😪 I don’t know when I ovulated the flo app is basically guessing from month to month from patterns but this is the longest I’ve ever not had a period for so it’s really confusing on when a pregnancy test would pick it up or if I’m not even pregnant to start off with 😫
Regular ovulation strips do nothing for PCOS as your levels may be all over the place. The only way to confirm ovulation is by seeing the progesterone rise in the days after the lutenising hormone peak. Mira does lab grade analysis of all the hormones so you know exactly what is happening when. Before we would be frustrated and exhausted sometimes trying every day for weeks on end because the regular strips kept picking up possible ovulation. Then got Mira and got pregnant instantly by doing it just the once at the correct time. I’m not getting paid for this haha but it genuinely saved my life. I used to pay for all sorts of apps and testing kits that did nothing for me.
@Barbara what even is Mira please? I’ve never heard it before. I’m pretty useless at all this it’s all so confusing for my small brain 😪
If your period is a week late and your still getting negative and you think you might be pregnant contact your gp and they can arrange a blood test xx
Hiya, travelling can very much mess with your cycle so this is not unusual even for non-pcos. Having said that if the 11th was the last and we’re supposing you ovulated then, I’d say you should start testing somewhere in the next couple of days. I only got a very very faint line on 13 days past ovulation and not a clear strong line until 20 days past ovulation so it could be anything at this stage. I have PCOS and I used to be extremely confused about my cycles all the time but then I invested in a Mira fertility tracker. It is a bit pricey but if you are trying to conceive it is an absolute lifesaver and shows exactly where you are in the cycle. To me it was worth the price of golddust.