Hi, sounds like she has a great appetite! 😅 I’m not going through this myself but had some advice from a friend to help with hunger in the night. She gives a carb dinner, then introduced a night snack before the last bottle. They give a Weetabix smashed up with full fat Greek yoghurt. It helped her little boy feel fuller through the night xxxx
Our little girl has quite an appetite as well, three meals a day, snacks and still about 25-30oz. Is your lg on a higher % growth wise? I was quite worried at first, but then looking at her, she’s healthy, active, inquisitive, she stops if she’s full, doesn’t seem to overeat, so it must be just what she needs then!
I'm not on 3 meals but mine is showing zero interest in dropping any milk, still doing 4 7oz bottles (and 1 extra 5oz in the night if she wakes for one). I'm just going with it, presumably they're growing like mad at the moment plus all the development stuff!