My baby is 3 months old. Still on size 1, size 2 she dribbles everywhere!
My baby’s 6 weeks tomorrow (2 months) and in size one Millie moons Pampers newborns were too small he peed out of them a lot and ones were way to big
My babies been on size 3 since 2 months his now 4 months, looking to up it to teat x
@Helen they have to work harder to drink from it.
My 9 week old is on size 1. We were told by a tongue tie specialist who also had vast experience in lactation that a bottle feed should take around 25/30 mins. If the flow is too fast they can take in air and also it doesn’t give time for them to realise they are full or release all their digestive enzymes. Likewise if it’s too slow they will get too tired to drink and thus not take enough. She said not to go by the age range on the mam teat size but rather how long it takes your baby to feed as everyone is different
My babies 6 months and still on size 1.... she can down the bottle in less then 10 minutes with a size 1.