Oh and do research. This has been a godsend: https://www.gestationaldiabetes.co.uk I found the NHS dietician information rubbish and too vague
White rice , pasta and carbs made my sugars go up. Potatoes were the worst for me I couldn’t have those at all! Try wholemeal like brown pasta / rice. Salads, eggs & lots of water. Also evening walks after you’ve eaten help with keeping your sugars low x
Eggs were my best friend at breakfast! Omlette and beans, scrambled egg and toast, eggs and sausages, poached eggs and avocado on toast etc. As above, I could tolerate a normal portion of whole meal bread, pasta and rice if there was a decent amount of protein and fats with it. Potato was often a no go for me though 😢 Sweet potato was better.
Walking makes a huge difference. As well as always eating fibre, protein and fat with carbs.
Agreed with the above- I'm still new to it but can definitely tell that eating protein and fibre with carbs really helps prevent a spike. Everyone is different so it's about experimenting and seeing what works for you. Also doing more walking/walking upstairs between meals helps burn the sugar.
Thank you everyone puts me at some ease, just alot to take in and just anxious about it
I try keep to around 20g of carbs per meal (including things like sauces as so much has carbs in it so read everything) and the majority of the plate to be protein and veggies. Everybody has different tolerances and levels but that’s kept me diet controlled and on target. E.g I can tolerate 1 slice of wholemeal toast and melted cheese ontop with a protein yoghurt for breakfast. That’s enough carbs vs protein for me to not spike. I can eat a decent amount of wholemeal pasta and rice with meals but can’t tolerate any white pasta or rice. It’s a lot of ‘finding out’ at first. Worst thing you can do though is not eat a balanced diet. If you can’t tolerate any carbs at all without spiking, then you should go into medication as you need carbs to help baby grow etc so sometimes medication is the only option to make sure you can maintain a healthy diet