We only do naps and bedtime. During the day they don’t really have milk except for the occasional at breakfast
I think when your baby starts eating solids well is when you can drop the bottles. My little girl is 13 months but she doesn’t eat solids well, so I am still giving her few bottles through the day.
I started to replace feeds with solids at 12 months and she was only on solids by 14 months. She didn't like cows milk, so we just increased the amount of cheese and yoghurt. A year later, and she loved a cup of milk with breakfast. In short, we gradually dropped breast milk feeds
When my baby is at nursery he has just solids and water and when together we breastfeed on demand - he’s just over a year and this works really well for us. I’ve never pumped and still don’t when we’re apart x
At a year, you can switch to cows milk in a bottle or sippy cup at daycare and just bf at home. I'd keep sending it until it is coming back full most days (they're not drinking it), or if the daycare offers cows milk at snack time, when they can drink from the small carton or container it is served in independently without spilling all over.
My son is 17 months and he has about 16 oz of either BM or cow’s milk with meals or in between. He is still very attached to his bottle. Planning to wean him from it starting at 18 months. Originally Thought I’d do it earlier but he is late to get his teeth and it soothes him and also is a major part of his nutrition right now.
@Simi how much solids do they need to eat for it to be enough? Currently my son has three bottles and daycare and will bf in the morning and nights.
Well he’s still going to drink whole milk even when you’re done breastfeeding. He should have 16-24oz of cows milk each day.
@Frankie when you’re ready.. try these. They’re the first step ones and they’re shaped like a bottle and the mouth piece is still soft silicone. They make the switch really really easy. I had 0 issues just handing him that. He never cried for a bottle instead. https://www.walmart.com/ip/980663768?sid=6645fb02-248f-4391-b12f-ac6ff2b8a017
@Cassie thank you!!
My boy turned 1 nearly 3 weeks ago. He has a cup of cold cows milk to drink with his breakfast & then a bottle of warm cows milk for bed (6oz) He has only water & food throughout the day.