Look into the SolidStarts app
Mine's 4 months and we've started purees because he's ready for them, only on new item number 3 so far Edit: we started with doctor approval and I've been told by a pediatrician as well that it's good we did because he has eczema, and eczema, asthma, and allergies go hand in hand. Early introduction of food/common food allergens has shown effects of preventing and/or reducing the severity of food allergies.
They recommend starting at 6 months where their tummies are mature enough to digest solids. I’ve heard of people starting at 4 months with purées
Not until 6 months. That’s when I felt more comfortable. She was showing the signs like able to support herself sitting and all that
In the UK it’s recommended from 6mths (purees, solids, food etc) Their digestive systems are not ready and can create a health issues in later life. They get all their nutrients from BM or formula so I wouldn’t worry for a while yet.
6 months! But, if baby can sit on their own, and doesn't push food out with their tongue, a little younger may be ok.
We did purées 6-8 months, wasn’t comfortable feeding him “actual” solids until after 1