Yep my girl is the same. They think she has cmpa so have given new milk but she’s even more fussy now. She has dropped from 91st to below 50th (on corrected age) and we have another weigh in 3 weeks where she will likely have dropped even more due to being even more fussy with the new milk. She is 16 weeks today and I’m lucky to get 22oz in her 😔
@Lauryn what milk are you on?xx
@Joanna we tried nutramigen which she wouldn’t touch at all even mixed with her normal milk and now we have aptamil pepti 1 but she’s still being fussy even when mixed with her normal milk and it’s making her be sick A LOT. She is never normally sick and now she is throwing up a lot of clear liquid between feeds. I really don’t know what else to do. I need to call the gp but last time he spent 25 minutes just reading and didn’t really have a clue what to suggest so seems pointless. I made her last bottle with just her normal milk and managed to get 150ml into her but that’s the most she’s had in 1 sitting for over a week now
@Joanna doctors have given her gaviscon which has completely stopped her spitting up but other than that she takes 2oz, go to burp her and she’ll turn away and not want anymore. Whereas for her bedtime feed she easily takes 5oz. Dietician doesn’t think it’s a milk allergy as she has no symptoms. She takes 2 oz and is absolutely happy with that and doesn’t seem uncomfortable afterwards. Sometimes she will take 3.5-4oz in a sitting but takes her that long to want to feed again x
@Lauryn it’s so hard isn’t it. I feel like I’m doing something wrong but I can’t force feed. She’ll only take what she wants😩
@Lauryn so the CMPA milk is a lot thinner than normal milk which makes their reflux horrendous. We had to go on omeprazole because she was spitting up clear liquid all day after changing to Pepti. If the GP doesn’t have a clue request to see a senior, that’s what I did and they ended up referring us to hospital because she was projecting vomiting after every feed and they had no idea what to do. They switched us to Neocate and she came out in eczema all over so we’ve just switched back to pepti. She’s on 10mg omeprazole now and we take her to see an osteopath which has worked absolute wonders on her so far
@Georgia how long is she going between feeds? It’s so hard if she seems happy and not uncomfortable during her feeds. If she’s having plenty wet and dirty nappies maybe she just is a baby that drinks less 🤷🏽♀️x
My LG did this but it was covid times and they just kept telling me to persevere. She'd reject bottles . Even changed the formula but I noticed she was always watching us eat. I was all but accused of neglecting my child at 4 months due to her not gaining weight but I was feeding on demand and trying everything. I decided to start weaning. She loved it. Started gaining weight. Health visitors were so happy with her progress until I told them how. The faces and the snarls. We never looked back and she a.perfectly healthy near 3 year old who ears everything.
@Joanna the time varies between bottles. She can go 3 hours on 0.5oz. Or can have 4oz go 2 hours and have 4oz again. It’s so hit and miss so I literally try and feed every time she shows me signs. It’s so hard and even the dietician seemed confused. Health visitors don’t seem concerned because her development is spot on and is very happy. She has plenty of wet nappies. She only used to poo every 3-4 days which health visitors said was fine but it was quite hard when she went so I tried colief and that has helped her go every single day or normal consistency so I literally don’t know what else to try x
@Sam health visitor kept saying to try feed her more during the day but I try feeding her constantly and she will only take it when she wants it. She’s constantly watching us eat and she is so alert and nosey! Constantly looking round and health visitors say she is forward for her age so developmentally isn’t affecting her. I think when she starts eating she’ll pile it on, it’s like she just isn’t interested in milk and only wants it when she wants it x
@Georgia not sure if you’ve tried this but is it the milk temperature? My girl is so fussy with that and if it’s not warm she will drink the bare minimum or spit it out completely depending on how cool it is. But if it’s still warm she loves it and downs it x
@Joanna I’ve tried giving it warm and cold and still the same issue either way😂 honestly it’s a mystery as to why she is so picky x
@Georgia damn I thought I’d cracked it then 🤣 mystery baby! She’s happy so that’s all that matters x
@Joanna honestly I’ve tried everything😂 I’ve been saying she’s a mystery😂 I’ve come to decision she’s just too nosey and doesn’t want the recommended amount😂x
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Trusted by 5M+ women
My girl is the same. She has reflux and has been struggling for ages until the GP finally listened to us last week (after 15 weeks of asking for help). She's now on anti reflux milk and drinking a lot more, but we won't know if she's putting the right amount of weight on until she gets weighed on Wednesday. If she still drops centiles then the GP is going to try her on the allergen milk for CMPA
@Georgia yep. I made it until around 5 months then I researched weaning. I gave a porridge for breakfast .so 1 meal a day and used her formula to mix then I went in to batch cooking veggies and pureeing them and adding her formula to it and freezing it in ice cube trays. That way I knew she was still getting all her nutrients. I say all the time that I think she only learnt to crawl by 6 months because she wanted the food on my plate. 😂
@Rebecca I’m glad they finally listened to you! The only thing with my girl is I honestly don’t think it’s the formula, her reflux isn’t bad at all just the odd spit up which gaviscon has helped loads. She doesn’t cry on or after the bottle. At night time she will easily drink 5oz and be content straight afterwards and throughout having the bottle. Hopefully I get to the bottom of it but I honestly just think she is so nosey about the world that during the day she doesn’t want to eat whereas at night when she’s calm she will guzzle it, it’s so strange x
@Sam I’ll keep that in mind! She’s honestly so aware of everything and just so hard to get anything down her throughout the day but hopefully some fattier milk might help🤞🏻x
Is she comfortable when feeding? Does she squirm or pull away from bottle at all? Only asking because around 5 weeks my girl started refusing feeds and would cry hysterically while feeding. Turns out she has CMPA and reflux so the pain of feeding made her stop after 2/3oz x