@Dominique how do I deal with the stares like I’m a bad mum
I would focus less on the concept of sharing and more on "we don't take from others". You have to step in and stop him as soon as he goes to snatch.
@Katrina I’ve been doing this for a long time but he throws himself on the floor and screams
I wouldn’t worry, it’s normal. Are you sure people are staring and judging, not just looking to see what’s going on. I feel like we are all on high alert at soft play to make sure our children are ok. I’m always watching everything like a hawk but not judging. Not sharing is 100% normal at this age. X
Sharing is not an inate quality. It is taught. Keep exposing him to soft play interactions where sharing occurs. Keep modeling the behavior that you desire. If he does get upset, help him through the big feelings like letting him know it's understandable he feels upset, maybe distract him with other toys or activities or take him somewhere quiet where you can hug it out. And give yourself a break. You're doing good, mamma! I worked at nurseries for many years, and sharing eventually does come.
Mine are like this too, they honestly have such an attitude with sharing too and it often STINKS 😂😂😅😅 but I just keep teaching them in the moment even though it’s VERY repetitive and hopefully one day it’ll click. As mentioned by @Dominique he’s prob not developmentally ready but still good to teach. And just ignore the bad stares. Tbh as long as you’re doing your job as a parent WHICH YOU ARE, ignore their stares, your child is his own person and all we’re here to do is support them as best we can. No one’s perfect!!!!!
I would keep saying no and move him away give what he snatched back to the child if he screams and kicks off, you leave explain we won’t go anymore until you stop snatching of others and stand your ground on it. Going to the play centre is a treat but only if we behave nicely
People are going to stare, it’s what they do 🙄 just keep redirecting him and teaching him not to snatch things and if he throws a tantrum you can pick him up and take him somewhere to calm down. Usually hugging my son works to help him calm down and then he can take it what I’m saying. Like everyone has said, it’s normal for them not to share at this age. They cant grasp the concept that something can belong to someone else until around age 3 ish.
Just ride it out and he will get there. Nobody's child is perfect, especially in soft play!
they don’t understand sharing!☺️ their little brains are self serving, they do t have the capacity to think about another persons feelings all they know is they see something they want and they don’t have impulse control. i understand how frustrating this is and that doesn’t make it easier. praise when he shares like make a big deal about how he shared praise kindness. and make him feel understood about how frustrating it is when we don’t get what we want. but also not letting him push boundaries make him aware that you don’t take from other or wait your turn or you’ll have to leave and repetition is key even if it’s frustrating leaving once you get there ! you’re doing a great being a mom is hard and there is no handbook. you got this!
It's totally normal toddler behaviour to not share but you need to be near him to step in before he lunges for a grab of a toy or attack as that's what's causing the other parents to not be happy. Practice at home rolling a ball back and forth as that helps teach taking turns which is what you need to teach (and that it's OK to say no when someone wants what you have)
Truly it’s not that deep. He’s still a baby & is learning. There are old people who still don’t know how to share or even have any type of manners. But defo don’t be embarrassed, just continue to guide & he’ll learn x
He’s 2.5yrs old, it’s not until they’re much older that they understand sharing and the concept. I wouldn’t worry, people love to stare. Everyone has given good ideas, just keep modelling, keep redirecting him, if he throws a tantrum, remove him from that situation, and help him calm down, give him a hug etc.
At this age, it’s not so much about teaching kids to “share toys,” as that can often be developmentally unrealistic. Instead, the focus should be on teaching them to “take turns,” which involves waiting and practicing patience. This approach aligns better with their ability to understand and manage interactions at this stage of development.
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I work with that age at daycare. They are definitely able to share. If you see him trying to snatch toys away from another child you can say "hey they were playing with that, so we have to wait our turn to play with it" and redirect to something that nobody is playing with. Sharing is not an easy thing but it will come.
This is normal! If moms are staring then shame on them. Keep modeling how to share and eventually it will work itself out.
I don’t believe children understand the concept of sharing sooner than 4 year old from what I read. What you’re asking of him isn’t developmentally appropriate. I know it can be hard but he’ll get there when he grow up!