My baby is also 3.5 weeks and seems very hungry. I’ve started to do more of exclusive pumping and less direct breast cos he takes just forever on boob (2-3 hours often😑) and then still seems hungry….. With expressed bottles he has between 90ml and 100 ml . We also do forumla sometimes (about once a day) when I feel I can’t keep up with him, or just need to sleep. He can do a full 90ml of formula right after 2 hours on boobs 😭 idk what’s going on there. I also don’t know if I’m over feeding him and do worry about that. He was born tiny 5 lb 11 and is now 6lb 11 as of yesterday
Mine is the same, on expressed breast milk and drinking 4oz every 2 hours. However in the morning he has 4oz every hour for about 3 hours. Even that I have to stretch it😭😭 He’s 4 weeks, was born at 8ibs 2oz, never lost his birth weight and is now 11ibs. Again like others, I was doing breast and pumping but he would be on the boob for 1 hour and then scream for more after 😂. He used to vomit in the first 2 weeks but now he’s not do I assume it’s not over feeding
So long as baby is comfortable post feeds and is not sick or bloated then it should be fine. Just mention it to the midwife/HV if you’re worried x
Thanks ladies! Glad I’m not the only one with a little greedy guzzler baby 😅🤣
I’m so glad someone else is experiencing this. I have the exact same where my LO came 39 weeks at 6lb14 and she wants 3-4 oz every 2-3 hours. My midwife and HV have both reassured me that she can’t be over fed (she’ll just spit it back up) and to feed her on demand. I just keep reminding myself of this and to try to ignore the ‘recommended amount’ advice! 😬